Weather haiku

Just thought I’d convert a tweet from this morning…

Is it too much to ask for a nice, steady drizzle for a day or two? My lawn needs it, these T-storms have been all boom, little wet.

… into verse:

This week’s thunderstorms
have been all big, crashing noise,
too little water.

This, of course, is more in keeping with the spirit of haiku (nature themes) than my usual news-oriented poems.

9 thoughts on “Weather haiku

  1. Brad Warthen

    Actually, the “little wet” in the original tweet seems more poetic than “too little water.” I almost went with “far too little wet” as the last line for that reason, but didn’t like it as much, so went with the more prosaic wording…

  2. jfx

    Saturday’s best spent
    camping by an A/C vent,
    gargling ice cream*.

    *comfort reading alternative: “gargling Heinlein”

  3. Brad Warthen

    I’ll go with the Heinlein (or, as an alternative that Jubal Harshaw would appreciate, Heineken).

    If I tried to gargle ice cream, I’d choke to death. The severe allergy thing.

  4. jfx

    Well, some of the high-gravity beers like the Chimay single bottles are 10 bucks a pop everywhere, even Green’s. However I’ve no doubt that most everything else on the EF shelf can be had at Green’s for substantially less. I know their Rogue and Sam Smith prices are jacked up.

    The milk’s a real doozy too. You might not have noticed since it’s on your avoid list, but I seem to recall seeing gallons of regular Coburg for six and some change at one point. Maybe that was back during the “milk crisis”. Still, though…that’s regular Coburg from down the street at the reg’lar fokes milk plant, not spinach-fed shiatsu-massaged Patagonian Coburg.

    But I understand the meat department is where EF makes a serious killing.

  5. Kathryn Fenner

    Brad–add organic matter to your lawn and the water won’t run off so fast…oh yes, that’s right, you live on Green Acres….still…

  6. jfx


    Check out this blast from the past:

    Scroll down, comment from “Kevin Brouillette”:


    I am the VP of Sales for Turtle Mountain, the largest seller of Dairy Free Ice Cream in the US. We would love your business. We are in Publix (under our Purely Decadent brand). If you send me an email with your address I can get you some coupons.

    Kevin Brouillette

    Brad never responded in the thread!

    Brad, did you get your coupons?

    I see Kevin is still on the “Contact Us” page:

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