Cindi Scoppe’s annual cake party


Here’s a little something for you foodies.

Cindi Scoppe is a conflicted character. She’s a lifelong diabetic with a sugar jones. So she carefully manages her blood sugar so that she can max out on cake on special occasions. Unfortunately, other people don’t provide enough such occasions to suit her, so she makes them happen.

The last few years at the office, she insisted that we stop for cake on anybody’s birthday, and she always supplied the cake. (Since I don’t do cake, she and her accomplices always provided alternative snacks for me, so that I as the boss didn’t call a halt to the occasions.)

But as the editorial staff dwindled, that wasn’t enough for her. So a year or two back she started having an annual holiday cake party at her house. She would take off several days and do nothing but bake, and fill her house with different cakes — the richer and gooier,cake3 the better. (If there were a cake consisting of nothing but frosting, that would probably be her favorite.)

In the phone pic above, you see the main cake arrangement — 24 cakes burdening two tables pushed together. She also had other cakes on other pieces of furniture around the house. The variety ranged from fairly conventional looking hyper-chocolate cakes to the exotic, such as the fig newton cake at right.

If y’all are really, really good to me, maybe I’ll see if I can wrangle you an invitation next year…


8 thoughts on “Cindi Scoppe’s annual cake party

  1. Cindi Scoppe

    Hi Sherry. Of COURSE I can bake (and cook) … and put together fabulous cookbooks. Right now, I’m hawking the one our church just published, “What Episcopalians Do After Dinner: 500 Favorite & Fabulous Desserts,” which includes among its many delights a few of my recipes and the stories behind them. It’s a great Christmas present, and we’re selling them dirt cheap, to whet people’s appetites for the next one we do. More info at


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