Questions for Morrison interview? (If so, hurry!)

Today, I’ll be interviewing Steve Morrison in the wake of his narrow failure to get into the runoff for Columbia mayor, and most immediately in the context of his decision not to endorse either of the remaining candidates.

Is there anything in particular you would like me to ask? If so, speak up now — the interview is at 2 today.

This will be on video (some folks who are way better at this than I are shooting it), which I hope to post sometime tomorrow. If all goes well, this will be the first of a series of such interviews.

In other words, I’m in the beginning stages of starting my own little Web TV show. We’ll see how it goes…

3 thoughts on “Questions for Morrison interview? (If so, hurry!)

  1. Kathryn Fenner

    Does he really believe Finlay will vote to fund Morrison’s beloved arts groups to the extent Benjamin will? If not, then what exactly was his campaign about?

  2. Brad Warthen

    Well, THAT was interesting — Steve came in armed with questions for me as well, such as what did I mean reporting to the world the fact that his own campaign had determined he was out of it, but hadn’t even told HIM yet?

    Which is a good question, which is why I raised it in my “Tinker, Tailor” post Monday. Apparently, someone had sent him that post as an FYI. He wasn’t registering a complaint or anything, he was just raising the same questions I raised myself.

    It was a good interaction, and I think y’all will find it interesting. The experts who shot it hope to have something ready tomorrow. And my hope is that it will be something that you can’t get anywhere else. My overly ambitious goal is to create a sort of South Carolina-flavored Dick Cavett Show for the 21st century — in-depth, intelligent discussions that you’ll never get from local sound-bite TV news, and personal, up-close immediacy that you can’t get from print.

  3. Elsie Rast Stuart

    Brad, I have missed your thoughtful comments in the daily news and am glad you are communicating to the public again.


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