Folks getting ready for ConvergeSE at ADCO last night. You'll note that I am, indeed, the only one around here who dresses like a Mad Man./Brad Warthen
No, I am not the Keymaster, and I am not awaiting the Gatekeeper. This convergence is a little less cosmic, but only a little.
I mentioned yesterday that I’m working at ADCO. Well, today things are fairly quiet here because the ADCO Interactive folks are over at ETV hosting a series of extremely advanced workshops in Web development and convergence and other mysterious new media stuff. These confabs are being conducted by some of the leading kahunas on the forefront of new media.
I’d be over there, except Gene Crawford (the jefe of ADCO Interactive) told me it would all be over my head. I am, however, allowed to attend the speeches that will be given tomorrow over at the Swearingen Center. Supposedly, they’ll talk down enough to me for me, a mere blogger, to follow.
If you want to know more about this event, check out the Web site. Or if that’s too inconvenient, here’s an excerpt from the press release:
ConvergeSE 2010 is intended for Web designers and developers, business executives, marketing professionals, content creators and students. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a newcomer to the Web, you’re sure to discover something that will spark your creativity and get you motivated.
The conference, a southeastwide expansion of last year’s successful ConvergeSC, will feature such speakers as Neil Patel of Crazy Egg and Kissmetrics, Kevin Hale of Wufoo, Robert Tolar Haining of Condé Nast Digital, Aarron Walter of MailChimp and Brandon Eley of brandoneley.com.
The conference “will take you from front-end design to the development technologies used to build websites and web apps, then also help you learn strategies to sell your services or application as well as build community around it,” says organizer Gene Crawford of unmatchedstyle.com and period-three.com. “It’s that well rounded, multi-disciplinary approach to Converge that makes it a little unique I think. We give each speaker 30 minutes to get their point across and then it’s off to another topic, fast and furious.”
Who should attend ConvergeSE 2010? “Anyone who works with the web or on the web,” said Crawford. Which today means pretty much anybody.
When and Where is it?
Friday, June 25, 8 am-5 pm, Workshop Day
1041 George Rogers BoulevardSaturday, June 25, 8 am-5pm, Conference Day
University of south Carolina
Amoco Hall
Swearingen Engineering Center
301 Main Street
“of Crazy Egg and Kissmetrics, Kevin Hale of Wufoo, Aarron Walter of MailChimp”
Whatever happened to company names like “U.S. Steel, General Motors, Sears”?
Have we simply run out of names?
I think I’d prefer to have my creative work done by International Business Machines…yeah, what an ironic name! So clever!
I just can’t see Don Draper working for a company called “MailChimp” or “Crazy Egg”.
@Doug 🙂
I’m trying to recall the second (?)season episode with the VW ad that baffled everyone, and the two gay guys–the one in the jumpsuit….no, Sterling Cooper is no MailChimp….
I’m at ConvergeSE now — I’ve been here all day, and it’s fascinating.
Speaker just used the word “gestalt,” which is one of my favorite words (even though I seldom use it). It expresses a very important concept to INTPs. Its how we perceive the world.
Hmmm, my INTP husband is maybe not so much a Gestalt person, although he admits to writing computer programs from the middle out. “Miasma” is more like what I see. (Note: “Gestalt” is a German noun, which is capitalized in German–not sure what the style sheet for bradwarthen.com says.)