This kind of snuck up on me:
Karen Floyd won’t seek second term as the leader of the S.C. Republican Party. Floyd called an afternoon news conference
today on the steps of the Statehouse to make the announcement and talk about her decision to not run for the chairmanship of the party.
S.C. House Speaker Bobby Harrell, R-Charleston, thanked Floyd for her hard work and dedication to the Republican Party in South Carolina.
“During her tenure as South Carolina Republican Party chairman, Karen oversaw an organization responsible for historic gains — an unprecedented election of all nine statewide constitutional officers, the defeat of one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington, and the largest, most conservative majority ever before in the South Carolina Statehouse,” Harrell said….
I mean, I knew there would be a post-election resignation by a party chair, I just didn’t expect this one…
Maybe she really does want to spend more time with her family, or maybe she drew her sword against the queen?
My mother always said there can’t be two women in a kitchen.
You have always had good political instincts. When we have talked you had a good bead on things. I am very surprised that you missed this one. It has been brewing for a long while. Please wait for the fall-out.
Maybe she doesn’t hate her fellow Americans enough.
She never does anything for long.
I await a comment by one of Brad’s self-professed “informed” readers.
From prior comments, the actually informed versus professed informed have been present here only from time to time.
Who is Spartanburg’s Karen Floyd? From whence does she draw her power base?
HINT: Of the dozens of “Republicans and Independents” for Vincent Sheheen published in the Spartanburg Herald just before the recent election, Floyd networked with many – lawyers mostly, some not even South Carolina residents.
Just saying, it was nice of so many RINOs to self identify, wasn’t it? Well now conservatives will never trust them again as Republicans or Independents.
Karen Floyd, Chief Executive Officer of The Palladian Group — serving clients around the globe, graduated from University of South Carolina School of Law (1986).
Can any lawyers in the political arena be reliably conservative? Ask Arlen Specter, Lindsay Graham, Strom Thurman, David Beasley, Bob Inglis, Leon Panetta, Jmaes Webb, Pete McCloskey, etc. Conservatives finally have their well-founded doubts. Perhaps conservatives are finally seeing an obvious pattern.
You might even say that they are finally really the “informed voters”. Do any of you non-conservatives even know, for instance, what the “‘Lawyer-Political Complex” is?
You do not?
spartanburforreal, I didn’t know it because I seldom think about who is chairing parties, their internal power structures, etc. I just have an aversion to thinking too much about such things…
I thought it was the military- industrial complex? Or is that the boogeyman for the left? It’s so hard to keep track of all these conspiracies.
David Beasly and Bob Inglis?
Leon Panetta and Strom Thurman?
Huh. And they are all the same, how? And isn’t James Webb more of a military man than an attorney at law. Was he ever that?
I would tend to believe that someone like Karen Floyd would network quite a bit – and far and wide. I don’t know; I’m still confused…
I had a friend in college who told me that the brainy, geeky kids (like him) at his high school referred to the popular kids as the “socio-athletic complex.”
Clever. Which of course is why he and his friends weren’t popular…
Stay tuned to updated facts about what really has happpened.