Ring the Salvation Army bell…

I just figured out why I’ve had one line from an old Simon and Garfunkel song running through my head all day:

Hear the Sal-va-tion Ar-my band…

It’s because, in a few minutes, I have to go

Ring the Sal-va-tion Ar-my bell…

This is a major service project of the Columbia Rotary Club. Fellow Rotarian Boyd Summers and I have signed up for the noon-2 p.m. slot today in front of Green’s liquor store over on Assembly. Come on by and see us on your way in to obtain your favorite adult beverages. Or on the way out. Either way, leave money in the bucket.

And while you think about whether you want to do that, listen to The Bangles’ relatively decent cover of the song in question, so that you can have the frightening experience of having your mind on the same wavelength as mine. Or listen to the original. I actually prefer the original, but since it’s a video, I figured The Bangles were easier to look at.

Ironic lyrics to hear on a day like today. But you can pretend there’s a hazy shade of winter out there, to get yourself in the mood for the holidays. Yeah, I know it’s not easy when you’re sweating…

3 thoughts on “Ring the Salvation Army bell…

  1. Steven Davis

    I’ve heard that song a thousand times and don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to the lyrics… especially when the video was playing.

  2. Kathleen

    Now you’ve triggered the memory bank. I’m off to rummage through the vinyl for Simon and Garfunkle, more my speed than the Bangles, and Judy Henske’s Salvation Army song.


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