Maybe this rhetorical approach is a GIRL thing…

Something struck me when I was reading this release just now from Mia Butler Garrick:


Today, we are just 43 days away from the Primary Election on June 12th and I need your help.  Right now in South Carolina, hundreds of special interest groups lobby the good ole boy network here at the State House to vigorously maintain control of the failed status quo that continues to plague our state.  They use their influence to ensure that SC remains at the bottom-of-the-best list by continuing to enact policies that wreak havoc on public education, hinder economic development and job creation and foster an environment of partisanship, nepotism and corruption at all levels of government.

I’m proud of the fact that the folks of District 79 always stand firmly against the good ole boys.  We stand boldly for jobs, for small businesses, for public education, for better infrastructure and safe schools and communities.  But more importantly, we stand firmly and boldly, together.  My campaign has never been about me.  It’s about what we can accomplish together for the future of South Carolina!

That’s why today, I’m asking all of you to step up just as you did two years ago, and show your support by volunteering now.

Election Day is Tuesday, June 12th.

Did it strike you that that sounded very much like the way the Nikki Haley presents herself to voters? As the lone beacon of transparency and virtue in a squall of self-dealing “good ol’ boys”?

Of course, the difference between them might be that Mia actually means it when she says those things. But the similarity in the general line of expression struck me…

8 thoughts on “Maybe this rhetorical approach is a GIRL thing…

  1. Kathy

    Yawn. She needs a new line of expression. I’ve seen no difference in the amount of partisanship, corruption, and downright incompetence between the “boys” and the “girls.” I never really expected to see a huge difference since both genders are people. However, I didn’t expect to see the women be as “bad” as they have been quite so rapidly.

    I have to say I was always amused to hear radical feminists speak ad nauseum about how much more perfect the world would be once enough women were elected to office. Don’t get me wrong. I think women have every right to screw things up just like the men have done. But I still won’t vote for a candidate based on gender, party, or race with no consideration of issues or the character of the candidate.

  2. Mark Stewart

    I am going to go out on a limb here and say that a chunk of the problem in politics is likely that these campaigns are run by neophyte staffers with very little real world experience and too much youthful exuberance.

    It really seems endemic, at all levels of government.

    It used to be only the candidates who made the nightly news cycle, were quoted in the paper, or were heard by actual constituents at a forum – public or private. Now, it seems more about minions shovelling electronic dreadfulness.

    Still, it is sort of amusing that i) she is the incumbant in this race, and ii) she is a communications consultant – and was an English major with a concentration in writing. Time to tighten up!

  3. `Kathryn Fenner

    [like] what Kathy said. Sarah Palin is Exhibit A for why I would never blindly support a woman candidate.

  4. Brad

    Just so you don’t confuse Mia with Nikki, here’s a release from the Democrat from yesterday:

    Earlier this week we found our state embroiled in yet another embarrassing scandal. This time, an ethics investigation came to light involving Governor Haley and her former lobbying efforts. Despite a unanimous finding of probable cause, she was let off the hook again by the good ol’ boy network at the State House. Even the “Queen” of transparency, the self-proclaimed “transparent” Governor, purposely kept the public in the dark about her ethics investigation, just to protect her own political reputation.

    This is another example of the kinds of corruption and collusion that we’ve heard about too many times here in S.C. And until we are willing to step up and speak out about this kind of behavior, it will continue to taint the legislative process and the reputations of those of us who serve because we care, because we’re tired of the good ol’ boys’ and gals’ system of governance and because we simply want a better South Carolina.

    We can send a message to the politics-as-usual crowd at the State House and let them know that we’re not only turning the page on this era of scandals and corruption, but together, we’re closing the book for good. We can lead our state into a new era–away from the failed policies of the past–and modernize our state’s economic, educational and governmental systems.

    I’ve been fighting for change at the State House over the past two years and I will continue to fight for and with you, but I need your help. Please give a $25, $50 or $100 donation today by following this link.

    We’re just 40 days from the critical June 12th Primary. If you stand with me today, we can continue to fight to ensure that District 79 has hard-working, honest, effective leadership for our future.

    Please contribute today. I’m counting on you…


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