Hanging out at the Myrtle Beach airport

Haven’t been blogging because I’ve been really busy, between holidays and some big work deadlines.

But listening to Nick Lowe’s “Christmas at the Airport” just now (yeah, I’m still listening to such, here on the 6th day of Christmas), I thought I’d give a sample of what I’ve been doing instead of writing in this forum.

Last night, my wife and I drove to Myrtle Beach to send my youngest daughter up to Boston to visit a friend for a few days. She had found a bargain on the Web, and it involved flying from MB.

The flight was for 10:32 p.m. They ended up not boarding until almost 12:30 a.m. So we hung out at the airport for a time, part of which we filled by running through my daughter’s homemade Thai flash cards. (She’s heading off to the Peace Corps in a couple of weeks.)

During lulls in language study, I also Tweeted the following. Since a couple of them got some reTweets, I share:

Myrtle Beach airport more spacious-seeming than expected…

When a flight’s departure is delayed 2 hours, airline should foot open tab in bar for passengers. If the airport HAS a bar…

2 girls in MB airport killing time giving each other rides in luggage cart. Elder girl says, “Let’s do this until they yell at us…”

Airline woman who told us flight was delayed has stopped the girls having fun with luggage cart. Madame Buzzkill…

When your late-night flight is delayed two hours, this sign in the airport seems particularly apropos… pic.twitter.com/2g0fsBrJHz


12 thoughts on “Hanging out at the Myrtle Beach airport

    1. Doug Ross

      That was pretty much my experience every week this summer flying through Atlanta.

      But I did get a $400 voucher once for getting bumped that will pay for most of my flight to Anchorage in March for the Iditarod.

  1. Mark Stewart

    Boston is a day and a half drive from Cola. NYC is the northern limit of a day’s drive… So the delayed flight still won; but also reason why Charlotte’s hourly flights to BOS win out for me.

    SC is actually cursed by its 6 regional airports ( Augusta and Savannah included). They may be relatively close by, but that’s about it as far as practical utility goes when traveling for other than leisure.

      1. Bryan Caskey

        I used to routinely drive 12 hours (Columbia to Shreveport) and that was my upper limit. However, that was when I was traveling without a small child. You add a toddler to the mix, and my upper limit of a day’s drive is about 7-8 good driving hours.

    1. Kathryn Fenner

      We used to drive from Aiken to Portland in one go. It meant the nasty NYC to NH stretch was pretty much traffic free because it was the wee hours. We are too old to do that now!


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