My 18-month-old grandson — who is often to be seen toddling about with a toy car in each hand, and who will spend hours testing one wheeled vehicle after another, rolling it back and forth on various surfaces to observe its properties — got very excited when he saw this morning’s business page in The State.
“Deh-is!” (“There it is!”) he exclaimed, pointing at the picture of the 50th-anniversary Mustang in the middle of the page.
Finally, some news that a young guy can care about. I don’t recall him taking interest in a newspaper before now.
In related news, our own Bryan Caskey posted a link to an interesting piece about how the Mustang might have looked, based on some of the concepts that Ford ran through before coming up with the one, true, perfect design.
The 2015 still sorta looks like a Mustang. My second car as a teenage driver was a 66 Mustang; it had a straight six and a four speed. My second Mustang was one that should never have existed, the 1974 Mustang II with a four cylinder engine.