Asking South Carolina style, bless her heart

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I love this.

My friend Justin Young, whom I see most mornings at the club at breakfast — he’s the one guy who shows up even later than I do — showed me something pretty awesome this morning.

As you know if you’ve been to the State House grounds during all this, the placards that say, “#TAKE DOWN THE FLAG” are pretty ubiquitous.

And yesterday, apparently, they had boxes of them that said, “571,000+ DEMAND TAKE DOWN THE FLAG.” I guess they thought the others weren’t insistent enough.

Well, I’m not going to get into my thoughts about’s involvement in all this, but you know that I’m really only interested in what South Carolinians think about it, particularly those 124 in the House who are deciding as we speak.

Which is why I love the one humble, hand-drawn sign held by the lady in the straw hat that expresses the same thing in more of a South Carolina style:


Please. Bless her heart. She does us all credit.

I’ll bet if the governor saw her, she’d be proud of her (“Be kinder than necessary.”) . I know I am.

6 thoughts on “Asking South Carolina style, bless her heart

  1. Karen Pearson

    Maybe if we got a bunch of those printed up and displayed the House might take notice. Meanwhile, “Thank you, “ma’am.”

  2. Kathryn Fenner

    You know, I can do a mean Palmer method. I will not stand out in this hellish heat, but if someone brings me some poster board, I’ll inscribe you an ever so polite message….

  3. Margaret Pridgen (Maggie)

    I tried polite with my Oconee Reps (Sandifer and Whitmire): “I’m not demanding anything or threatening you. I’m simply asking you to do the right thing — as well as the smart thing for our state — this week.” Didn’t work with them, but I’m very glad this day has finally come.


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