Primero país, y después partido

At the risk of making Trump supporters’ heads spin (They’re speaking Spanish in my presence! Make them stop!), I share with you this new Hillary Clinton ad, which features Carlos Gutierrez — who was George W. Bush’s commerce secretary for four years — explaining that he’s supporting Clinton in part because, as a lifelong Republican, he can’t possibly support Trump.

For you gringos, the translation:

gutierrez-mug“Donald Trump doesn’t have the qualities necessary to be president. I know, because I served in the Cabinet of George W. Bush for four years,” Gutierrez says in Spanish. “I was born in Cuba, but this country gave me my success. I’ve been a Republican my entire life, but first I’m an American. Vote for Trump? I can’t. It’s dangerous and we don’t want to go back. Hillary Clinton has the experience and I trust her. For me, country first, and then party.”…

It’s a good ad. I especially like the UnParty sentiment: “Primero país, y después partido.”

Here’s another like it…

2 thoughts on “Primero país, y después partido

  1. Kathryn Fenner

    I was surprised to read that some of Trump’s Hispanic advisers had resigned—because I was surprised that he had any. I get that Cubans are very right wing, but still. Tio Tomas?

    1. Brad Warthen

      Indeed. Far be it from me to call another man Tio Tomas, and it’s obscene to assume a person will have a certain set of attitudes based on demographics, but to be a Latino adviser to Trump would seem to involve a certain degree of… self-negation…


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