‘It’s been a loooong week,’ says Tony

The longest I ever lived in one place growing up was in Guayaquil, Ecuador. We were there for two and a half years, which took me through the fifth and sixth grades. Might not sound like much to you, but when you were a kid and used to moving annually, that was an eon.

And that whole time, my best buddy was Tony Wessler. He was there for the same reason we were — his dad was in the Air Force and part of the same military mission to Ecuador that sent my dad there. We lived about six blocks apart, went to school together, and spent the rest of our time out having adventures in that TV-free environment. I remember it as a sort of Huck Finn existence.

Anyway, it’s been good to reestablish contact with Tony via Facebook sixty years later, and I got a kick out of this bit of improvisation he posted recently. I was impressed. I initially saw it without sound, and it was perfect that way. Sort of Chaplinesque.




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