This kind of cracked me up.
This morning I was rereading one of my Patrick O’Brian novels over breakfast (yes, I AM reading other things, but I LIKE these), and saw a reference to HMS Indefatigable (the 1784 version, not the 1901 version that was sunk at the Battle of Jutland).
Of course, the ship’s name is a word I’ve read and understood my whole life, but have never had occasion to say out loud. So I thought I’d take a second and find out how to say it out loud.
I’ve found YouTube helpful with such things in the past, but the voice telling me how to say the English word doesn’t usually sound like Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau.
Or maybe like this guy below on “The IT Crowd.” Anyway, now I know how to say it, if I ever want to do so while speaking on ze pheun…
Actually, that WAS how I said it already (in my head). Only without the accent.
So I suppose I should thank mon nouvel ami for making me more confident about saying it aloud….