See me on stage tonight in “The Producers”

You may recall that, back here, I told you of my invitation to do a cameo role in Workshop Theatre’s production of “The Producers.”

I agreed. And my appearance will be tonight. Other local non-actors are playing the same part on different nights. Judge Joe Anderson is on tomorrow night, for instance. Sheriff Leon Lott will do it next Friday night (the 25th), followed by Sheriff Jimmy Metts the next night.

It’s a small part. A very, very small part, and very silly. And now that the night is upon me, I’m suffering from pre-performance jitters to the extent that I really sort of hope no one is there to see me — but, since the idea behind inviting me and the sheriffs and the others to do this was that we might have a certain following that might come out and buy tickets, well, I… I urge you to come on out, and watch me make a perfect ass of myself.

Here’s the part I’ll be doing, from the movie version. Not exactly like this — the director gave each of us the freedom to change the character as we chose, and my version, while still silly, is silly in a very different way from the guy in the movie. (No doubt I could make if sillier if I had a government grant to develop it.)

So come on out. But don’t blink when I step out onto the stage, because you might miss me. Fortunately, for the enjoyment of paying customers, my part is very short. But I said that already.

I tell you, the things we unemployed people will do to keep ourselves out there in the public eye…

8 thoughts on “See me on stage tonight in “The Producers”

  1. doug_ross

    A favorite joke:

    An actor receives word that he has been selected to replace someone in a Broadway show after the regular actor falls ill. The producer calls the actor and says, “It’s easy. You have one line: “Hark, I hear the cannons roar!”. The actor agrees to the role and spends the rest of the day practicing his line:
    “Hark! I HEAR the cannons roar”
    “Hark! I hear the CANNONS roar”
    He catches a cab to Time Square and as he walks to the theatre, he continues to practice. “Hark! I hear the cannons roar” “Hark! I hear the cannons roar”. When he arrives at the theatre, the show is just about to start. The director positions the actor on the stage and tells him to wait for his cue. The curtains rise and the sound of cannons firing echoes throughout the theatre.
    The actor stares at the audience and says, “What the #%$%$ was that!!!??”

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