Beauty amid the bustle


On my one brief visit to the madness of Harbison, I spent quite some time jammed up in traffic. And the worst — pictured above, in the lot in front of Target — was actually inside the parking lot. By the way, as I stood up in the bed of my truck (after parking) to take this shot with my Blackberry, a voice from among the multitudes called out “Brad, what are you doing?” And you know, it’s a little awkward muttering that, well, you just have this compulsion to shoot pictures of everything you experience in case you might want to post them on your blog…

Moments earlier, while at a dead stop in traffic, I had Tweeted, “Tried to sneak up on Harbison via St. Andrews, but no dice. It’s bumper-to-bumper…,” to which Matt Kennell of the City Center Partnership replied on Facebook, “The recession might be really over then!” Maybe. You can’t tell by me, that’s for sure.

But amid all the dingy tedium of contesting with traffic, I was happily surprised by this one little splash of color (below) on the corner of Bower Parkway and Harbison. I don’t know who is responsible for it, but it was a nice relief for eyes that were tired of staring at the bumper just ahead.

That one trip pretty much covered my shopping needs for the year. We drew names in my family this year, so I only had to buy for one of my kids, which feels very, very weird after 33 years of being Santa.

By the way, at the wonderful party my Rotary Club had Monday night at the convention center (where you could have heard Kathryn Fenner and I belting out carols after being shanghaied for the impromptu choir), someone cited the four stages men go through with regard to Santa Claus, as follows:

  1. I believe there’s a Santa Claus.
  2. I don’t believe there’s a Santa Claus.
  3. I am Santa Claus.
  4. I look like Santa Claus.

Burl and I both know what that last stage feels like.


8 thoughts on “Beauty amid the bustle

  1. Michael Kohn

    “…could have heard KBFenner and ME…” damn, Brad. Is everyone making that error now? You should know better. As long as you don’t start saying “their” for “his/her”, as in “Everyone should bring their bag.”

  2. Kathryn Fenner

    “where you could have heard Kathryn Fenner and” ME, darling….

    and I didn’t have to be Shanghaied (Guangzhoued?) –I am like Jenna on 30 Rock–it’s hard to get me to NOT sing….

    Going to Harbison, especially in the month of December is a sign of insanity. Whatever you were after, Anne the Shop Tart could have directed you somewhere less crazy and more local….

  3. Karen McLeod

    This is the grammar police. That should have read “Kathryn Fenner and me.” Put down your laptop and come quietly. No one needs to get hurt here.

  4. Brad Warthen

    Yeah, I know. I think that sentence originally headed in a different direction. That’s how those errors usually occur, in the era of word processors. Back in the day of typewriters, we had to decide what we wanted to say before embarking on a sentence. Now, we can write one in which “Kathryn and I” is correct, then come back and change it, yet fail to change all the affected words…

  5. Kathryn Fenner

    The trick is to remove the noun and conjunction part and see which pronoun sounds right–assuming you are an educated speaker…

    Now, me and him were just wondering, though, just between you and I…

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