Coming up Thursday…

Be sure to read Bob McAlister’s guest column on our Thursday op-ed page. He makes some interesting points that some of his conservative confreres should consider, if they can pause for a moment in their relentless hammering on poor ol’ Lindsey Graham — some of which can be seen in our letters to the editor on the same day.

5 thoughts on “Coming up Thursday…

  1. Mike D in SC

    If the GOP truly did not have the votes, then the compromise probably was the best for now. But we have been hearing Senator Frist and other GOP Senators for weeks saying that they had the votes.
    And I thought Senator Specter promised to behave in order to get his Judiciary chair.

  2. jim cothran

    Bob McAlister’s brazen attempt to use a discredited news report to try to mislead voters is dishonest. Senator Frist has denied that he was a party to any of the negotiations. Maybe McAlister and The State should get their facts striaght before they try to lecture others on how to treat Senator Graham.

  3. kc

    He makes some interesting points
    Indeed. “black-robed tyrants.” “their own godless image.”
    Shame on The State for printing that.

  4. Bob McAlister

    To Brad and the bloggers: This is the first time I have blogged (?) since I normally have better things to do with my time. But since Brad wrote to me that my manhood was being questioned, I figured, what the Heck, let’s blog (?). To the writer who does not believe my report because Sen. Frist has denied it: could it be he’s not telling the truth, or could it be he is technically telling the truth in that he personally did not ask anyone to do anything but, instead, had one of his underlings do the asking? I have been known to err, but not on this one. This is solid info.

  5. kc

    . But since Brad wrote to me that my manhood was being questioned,
    I don’t see anyone here questioning your manhood.

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