You might want to leave this sort of thing to Dylan

Sure, Mick, "You call yourself a Christian; I call you a hypocrite" COULD be made to rhyme with "Shut the door, you silly twit," but you’d really have to WORK at it, and I’m afraid the strain would show.

I’m just not sensing another "Honky-Tonk Women" here. You and Keith put your heads together (if Keith can find his) and get back to me…

8 thoughts on “You might want to leave this sort of thing to Dylan

  1. roger

    As someone named Brad Warthen noted in an earlier post,
    “But compare Sgt. Smith’s name recognition to Brad Pitt’s. Or Sgt. Hester’s to Janet Jackson’s. Or Rafael Peralta’s to Rafael Palmeiro’s. See what we elevate as worthy of our attention?”
    Why do we care what Mick or Toby or Clint or Keith think about anything?


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