I’ll say it again

I got so busy Friday — Fridays are always that way — that I forgot to comment on Ron Morris’ most encouraging column that day.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: NEVER give up hope that  reasonable people will see reason, turn away from a bad idea and embrace a new one. Never give up. Never.

3 thoughts on “I’ll say it again

  1. Lee

    As college baseball replaces the MLB farm teams and minor leagues, why not just forget partnering with a minor league team, and have USC partner with a pro team?
    Go ahead, sell out all the way.

  2. Lee

    USC is a pro team, the misnomer of “scholarships” for the money paid to athletes notwithstanding.
    The so-called “leaders” of Columbia need to grow up and move beyond wanting to be entertained with taxpayer dollars. Fix the roads. Arrest the criminals. Set priorities. End the junk programs and give the money back in tax cuts.


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