Yep, you’ve seen it before

If my column on today’s page looks familiar to you, that’s because it appeared as a blog post last week.

You’re accustomed to seeing my columns from the paper published simultaneously in this space, with links. This time, I thought I’d try the opposite, and see how it goes. Note that I’m not posting the column version, because that would be redundant. If you want to comment on the column — and I hope you will — please go to the original blog post.

This one seemed like a good one to try this with because 1) I had hoped for more feedback on the original post, but didn’t get it (possibly because I posted it on Thanksgiving), and 2) It happened to be column-length, and easily adaptable for print.

Anyway, I look forward to your feedback on the subject. We can’t get this new party (the party for the rest of us) started without a mascot, can we? Once we’ve got that, we’ll come up with a name. Then we’ll recruit candidates — or not. Let’s see how it goes.

7 thoughts on “Yep, you’ve seen it before

  1. Dave

    Brad, I offer these suggestions so we can see if the Centrist party has a sense of humor.
    Jellyfish – Just go with the flow, (or current) and don’t worry about taking a strong position with that spine.
    Opossum – When the going gets tough, simply play dead until the crisis passes.
    Chicken – As a chicken centrist, just think of all the “Why did the centrist cross the road?” joke possibilities.
    Ostrich – Sort of like the possum, if you encounter controversy, just stick your head in the sand until the issue goes away.
    Chameleon – As a centrist, you can take any side and be whatever you want to be at the moment.
    Gamecock – You can handle Gators, Razorbacks, Owls (that is for FAU next year), but you have to avoid the Tigers at all costs!!!!

    Ok, that last one was a cheap shot, but I think Centrists have a tough hide….

  2. David

    I can add a few for the diehard Conservatives and Liberals
    Donkey – (*AKA “ASS) – The symbol of the Democratic Party. Donkey’s have a reputation for stubborness. Regardless of the facts, they want to stick to their position. In fact, they will go out of their way to make sure their own best interest is served – the heck with everyone else.
    Elephant (Republican Party symbol- A famous elephant is “DUMBO”) – Male elephants spend a lot of time fighting for dominance with each other. Most of the bouts are simply bluffs

  3. Herb

    I posted this on the Critter Committee issue, but then I saw that maybe the idea is to post at the most recent site. Anyway, I nominate (after seeing the March of the Penguins last night)– the emperor penguin. It survives in the harshest environment, takes care of its young, but leaves them to take care of themselves when they are old enough. Compassionate conservatism, family values, right to life, survival through community. And the creatures look like a bunch of odd-balls. What more do we want?

  4. Brad Warthen

    Sounds promising, Herb. I guess I need to see that movie, though, to fully appreciate it.
    And Dave, I can’t blame you for this, because all partisans seem to be having this trouble still. We Unpartisans are the people who actually have principles and stick to them, which is one reason we can’t go along with the Democrats and Republicans. Democrats want to advance the principles of liberal democracy, but not in Iraq (because that was Republican’s idea). Republicans want limited government, and will spend a generation howling at Democrats about it — until they get in control of the pursestrings.
    The existing parties are about gangs of people banding together for their mutual intragroup benefit, not for the good of the country. Opposing the war in Iraq is good for the Democratic Party (but certainly not for the nation), since it provides an opportunity to stir up resentment against the opposition. Unprecedented pork-barrel spending is good for the Republican Party (but certainly not for the country) because it buys votes and keeps the GOP in a position to lord it over the Democrats.
    What I propose is to move beyond that, and that takes determination, mental toughness, and a willingness to swim against the tide — hardly characteristics of the animals you mention.

  5. Dave

    Brad, You are really taking this to heart. My post was a joke. Lighten up a little, even conservatives laugh it up once or twice a year so why can’t centrists. By the way, I won’t quit my day job on the basis of my materials.

    As to the existing parties, as much as I think Democrats are wrong headed, I do believe they have the best interest of the country in mind. Then again, I know I disagree with what they consider best interest. Other than a few like Barbara McKinney, who would be cheering if we lost to the terrorists, the vast majority of Dems are not anti-America. There are Dems in the military, CIA, and every institution we have, serving honorably.

    You are oversimplifying if you perceive the acidic situation one of Dem vs. Repub. I read Will Folk’s guest column the other day in The State. He echoed exactly what I think where the GOP legislature is Sanford’s worst enemy. Who needs the Dems to work against you when your own party is self destructive? The GOP has resisted government restructuring, property tax reform, and many other proposals from the governor. About the only thing the state and federal GOP has going for them is that the Dems are even more fractured and dysfunctional. And, overall their approval level is even lower than W’s. Some alternative.

    Anyway, in the spirit of Christmas, I wish the Centrist party a sense of humor.

  6. David

    I like Mark Sanford. I like him a lot. I voted for him and most likely will do so again.
    However, he needs to learn what a compromise means and he also needs to learn-although I understand why he hates it – to do some public relations type stuff.
    You will never win someone to your side of the argument by trying to humiliate them. Imagine if someone tried to do that to you, would you be more or less likely to respect them and go along with them?
    If I or someone on here totally tried to humiliate you on here, would you be more or less likely to agree with them and work with them?
    Same goes for the General Assembly. I worked in the General Assembly for two years for a state senator. A lot of the people there were their egos on the shoulders. You pet them on the shoulder some and you will get far. You treat them with disregard and you won’t get anywhere regardless of how good your ideas are.


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