It’s not just headlines. I can’t stop myself from doing that "finishing thoughts" thing with quotes, either.
Take this one from Gen. Michael Hayden:
Clearly the privacy of American citizens is a concern, constantly. And it’s a concern in this program, it’s a concern in everything we’ve done.
The rest of the thought:
It’s more than a concern; it’s a damned nuisance if you ask me. And I’ve heard more than I want to hear about it.
That’s the trouble with the biased media — always taking quotes out of context, leaving behind the good parts.
Sen. Pat Roberts had a better one. “Given a choice between staying alive or maintaining ultimate privacy, which one would you choose?”
Brad, now that USA Today’s breaking big story on the phone companies has been exposed as a fakery, committed by the way by a lifelong donor to liberal Democrat candidates, the drive by media will now want to move on to —————- drum roll here, ——- yes, Marines accused of killing Iraqi civilians. OOOOOOOOOOOhhhh that one is too juicy to ignore. Imagine all the America hatred they can generate over that one. Go liberal media, trash our Marines now. Along with the traitor Murtha.
Many of the Democrats feigning outrage have actually been briefed on the NSA program for years.
Senator Leahy was one of the sponsors of 1994 legislation to require all phone companies to build “back doors” into their customer accounts and cell phones, so the government could conduct “warrantless searches”, to use a phrase from the bill.
This was back when Al Gore was fighting to outlaw encryption on e-mail, and using front companies to buy personal data from the SC DMV for his illegal database on all Americans.
Shorter Dave: I’m sc-aaaaaaared! Please take our annoying rights away before a bad old IslamoFascist hurts me.
re: Pat Roberts
This is the same Bush shill who has stonewalled Phase II of the Senate investigation investigation into the misuse of intelligence in the runup to the Iraq invasion.
Oh, he’s not a fearmonger. Not at all.
Lee, maybe your unhinged ramblings would have some credibility if you ever gave the reader the basis for your outlandish allegations.
Or, maybe not, if your sources are the voices in your head when you wear your tinfoil hat.
Just a tip.
Same for you Dave.
Dave, it’s astonishing that the depth of your ignorance is so great that you are unaware of the obvious answer to Pat “White Feather” Roberts:
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
–Patrick Henry
Ready to Hurl uses the tired anti-intellectual tactic of demanding links to articles about common knowledge. It doesn’t work on adults, RTH. We just assume you are pulling a stunt, or really too young and ignorant of basic current events and recent history to be in this blog, when you demand to be brought up to speed on Al Gore’s dossier database and Leahey’s sponsorship of warrantless wiretap legislation.
Even The State paper ran articles about Gore using Image Data, LLC to purchase SCDMV personal data.
OK Lee, show us your sources or shut up. When Dick Cheney said he’d never met John Edwards prior to their VP debate most people (including me) bought it. That one lying comment gave many people the false impression that Cheney actually won the debate. If you can’t produce sources for your rambling diatribes then I’ll simply choose to ignore your comments.