Kerry Wood is The Man!

In the comments on a recent post, Kerry Wood’s sister took me to task for being dismissive of her brother and the other two candidates who are unlikely to make the runoff.

Another commenter later took me to task for not having responded to her. Well, there were 138000wood_21_1 comments on this blog on Thursday, so it’s a bit much to expect me to have read them all yet, much less responded. I’m trying. (I’m not really complaining; I’m just excited that people are getting so much use out of the site, and wanted to mention the 138 comments.)

In any case, rather than addressing her remarks (I’d only end up arguing with her, and that wouldn’t be nice, since she’s sticking up for her bro), I’m posting this to say: Kerry Wood is the Man! He gets it!

He apparently understands that it’s critical, in these closing days of the primary, to sharpen for voters the contrast between the two leading candidates, Karen Floyd and Bob Staton. That’s because the contrasts, and the stakes for South Carolina, couldn’t be higher.

He has not only removed himself from the race, but done it in the best possible way: by telling voters how important it is to vote for Mr. Staton.

At the debate, Mr. Wood said (in response to a question from me) that if he couldn’t win, his second choice would be Mr. Staton. He has now gone the next step and made Mr. Staton his first choice.

What this proves is that Kerry Wood is no politician. He’s a statesman. And he’s a citizen who truly cares about the education of South Carolina’s children — who cares enough to sacrifice his own ambitions in that cause.

For today at least, my favorite among the (formerly) five GOP candidates for S.C. Superintendent of Education is Kerry Wood.

8 thoughts on “Kerry Wood is The Man!

  1. mark

    I thought Kerry did well in the debate. But just the fact that he is a man of principle who cares more about education than getting elected proves that he has no business being in politics. He bailed out just in time.
    Bob Staton and Oscar Lovelace both seem to sincerely care about improving the public schools– which is the kiss of death in statewide politics in South Carolina.

  2. David

    Big KUDOS to Kerry Wood. That, I am sure, wasn’t easy for him to quit this close to something he has been working for so hard.
    I also agree Bob Staton seems to be the only real choice.

  3. Dave

    OK, I get it, KW’s hard drive has been re-imaged and has been reprogrammed by the Staton camp. In the old days, computers run amok were controlled by pulling the plug, even “HAL” was disconnected. Remember, “Dave, don’t do it Dave, I am your friend, Dave, Dave………..” Yes, KW will never be the same, he has been scanned, defragged, and re-imaged. And now he has all the latest security patches so this will never happen again.

  4. Lee

    A lot of times an incumbent or annointed candidate has no opposition, until an independent or third party candidate files in order to force a shows that most people don’t really like Mr. Big. The other major party scrambles to find a credible candidate, usually very dignified and above reproach.
    Soon the polls show Mr. Big with 48%, Mr. Challenger with 47%, and Little Guy with 5%.
    The pundits and press demand that Little Guy withdraw. After an underfunded campaign by the Challenger, Mr. Big wins by a hair, and the other major party, pundits and press denounce third party and independent candidates as “spoilers”.

  5. Lee

    A lot of times an incumbent or annointed candidate has no opposition, until an independent or third party candidate files in order to force a shows that most people don’t really like Mr. Big. The other major party scrambles to find a credible candidate, usually very dignified and above reproach.
    Soon the polls show Mr. Big with 48%, Mr. Challenger with 47%, and Little Guy with 5%.
    The pundits and press demand that Little Guy withdraw. After an underfunded campaign by the Challenger, Mr. Big wins by a hair, and the other major party, pundits and press denounce third party and independent candidates as “spoilers”.


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