Senate Dist. 21: A ‘debate’ between Wendy Brawley and Sen. Darrell Jackson over his position on school ‘choice’

This is one of my better little videos from endorsement interviews lately.

Wendy Brawley of Richland One school board, who is challenging Sen. Darrell Jackson for the Democratic nomination in Dist. 21, is going after the incumbent hard, and has a bill of particulars as to how she believes he’s looked after his own business more than the people’s. An example: Her accusation that he favors private school vouchers.

Sen. Jackson argues back strongly, point by point. I think it’s a video worth watching, especially if you live in that lower-Richland and Calhoun County district.

16 thoughts on “Senate Dist. 21: A ‘debate’ between Wendy Brawley and Sen. Darrell Jackson over his position on school ‘choice’

  1. Harry

    The last thing the poor people of that district need is more “Richland District 1”. Surely the hardship and failure caused by the leadership of that awful system need not be furthered.
    I could care less if Jackson is reelected or not, but he does represent success. She represents failure.

  2. Bill C.

    Jackson will win in a landslide, just as E. W. Cromarie does even though he repeatedly forgets to pay his property taxes, is a slumlord, and likes those large parking spots that are in the first couple rows in store parking lots. Or as Jakie Knotts does with the redneck crowd, even if he has to redraw his district lines to get his “people” in his district. These career politicians are no different than career politician Darrell Jackson.

  3. Mike Cakora

    Senator Darrell Jackson provided a fine rebuttal, but I hope Wendy wins just to get her off the Richland District One (RDO) school district board. She and her predecessor, Vince Ford, are two of the most politically ambitious folks you’ll find who will use any and every tool at their disposal to consolidate power for their own purposes, not for the job they were elected, currently running a school district.
    Look at the Coles’ firing and the search for his replacement. In a 11/29/2007 article (no longer on-line — when are you guys gonna make your archives available on line at no cost like the rest of the world?) reporter Bill Robinson of The State wrote this:

    Rep. Leon Howard, a former Richland 1 trustee, said his constituents complained that Coles was heavy-handed and lacked awareness of the value of loyalty and hard work within the school system’s ranks.
    “Dr. Coles had a whole lot of problems, from education issues, to diversity within his district. He catered to white folks,” the Richland Democrat said. “I don’t think he has the leadership skills nor the personality.”

    The State recently quoted Ms, Brawley as follows:

    “We’re real pleased with the group of finalists we have for the superintendent position,” board chairwoman Wendy Brawley said. “They represent the kind of characteristics that the community felt important and as well as the board, not only now but into the future.”

    Didja notice something in the photos at that linked article? What do all three of the candidates have in common? Only two wear eyeglasses. All are wearing ties, but one has a bow tie. We can see the teeth of only two candidates, and two have mustaches while one has a goatee. Hmmm, what do they have in common?
    Let me put it this way: the candidate pool does not reflect diversity.
    Our nation’s capital, that work-free drug place known as the District of Columbia, has a black mayor who recently took over the city’s failing school system. Among his first acts was to appoint a person of the Oriental persuasion as the system’s chancellor. Apparently RDO’s situation is not perceived to be as dire, so the informal, political chain of command wherein friends and allies of school board members get special consideration for any and all openings, will continue, competence be durned!
    Hear me, super candidates, and heed well Representative Howard’s implied warning: no catering to white folks! Make no mention of middle-class values. Should a white TERI teacher outperform and thus embarrass her peers, instruct your faithful follower administrators to terminate her contract. Remember, our goal is power, not excellence, so let us march forward and make our mark by putting the “K” in “quality”!

  4. Delores S.

    I wish we had other candidates to chose from. Wendy has been a part of Richland One and its failed policies. Richland One is so off the mark when it comes to educating our children that me and most of my friends have moved to Richland Two in order to give our children a shot at a decent education. Darrell seem to be an elusive elected official. He has often been invited or tried to be reached, to attend neighborhood association meeting, but would not often respond. Even folks in his church say he is hard to get a hold of. You must go through one of his “surrogates” then they decide if you get an audience with the king! I think we need real change, but neither of these seem to be the one.

  5. Randy E

    Cak, what an impeccable source for your statements, your own blog. How about citing another source that supports the teacher being dismissed because she was good. I see little more than hearsay in this regard.
    The “catering to white folks” can be taken different ways. Demagogues will offer it devoid of context. Having taught at a Richland One school, I am aware of the white school within the school situation. Decisions are often made to suit one group at the expense of another. I’ve personally seen this at different schools.
    I agree there is some terrible leadership in R1 and some decisions made on race and not pursuing academic excellence. I have worked with 3 current principals and all three are amongst the worst educators I’ve encountered. How they continue in their positions is testimony to the ongoing leadership issue district wide.
    By the way, the “person of Oriental persuasion” would explain to you that she is not a rug, she is Asian.

  6. Lee Muller

    You cannot assume that the “person of Oriental persuasion” is necessarily an Asian.
    The term, “Oriental”, is proper to describe anyone coming from the east of Europe, and includes not only Asians (who were largely unknown to Europe at the time the word came into use), but to the people of Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet, Turkey, as well as China. Non-European Jews are Orientals.
    To the point, the only insults in the above discussion come from the black politicians, regarding “white people”.

  7. Change

    Excuses, excuses, excuses. Mr. Jackson can hide behind his positions all day and try to throw mud a Mrs. Brawley but the bottom line is that he supports taking money out of our underachieving public schools and putting them into private institutions. Secondly, we can complain about how bad the school board is doing but Jackson and his political croonies are part of the reason these schools are suffering because of lack of funding. I was a Jackson fan until I recently noticed a pattern of how his campain covers up Brawley signs with his. I think that that shows that he and his people are intimidated and I would suggest that they go out and uncover her signs before they tick off another voter.
    It’s time for a change.

  8. Chuck

    Don’t get too overly excited about getting rid of Mrs. Brawley from Richland 1. The dirty little secret is if she loses her primary in JUNE, she can file in AUGUST to run for school board again…Now there is real commitment to her position. Has anyone asked her publicly if she will run for school board again if she loses her primary???

  9. Chuck

    And as for Mrs. Brawley’s comments on this go round of finalists for the superintendents job, check this out…
    “…really spoke to the all of the things the board was looking for, the community was looking for.”
    “…represent the kind of characteristics that the community felt important and as well the board,…”
    Take a guess…One of those statements is hers about Dr. Coles. The other is her statement about the current applicants.

  10. Chuck

    And as for Mrs. Brawley’s comments on this go round of finalists for the superintendents job, check this out…
    “…really spoke to the all of the things the board was looking for, the community was looking for.”
    “…represent the kind of characteristics that the community felt important and as well the board,…”
    Take a guess…One of those statements is hers about Dr. Coles. The other is her statement about the current applicants.

  11. John

    Someone asked if she was related to Tawana. Who know but she is related to Richland county Auditor who knows no reason to compromise or see anyone elses point. His attitude is my way or the highway.

  12. Brad Warthen

    Folks, forgive me for posting this in several places, but I wanted to let you know…
    I’m having serious TypePad problems today (Monday, May 12), and they’ve prevented me from putting up ANY new posts, although I’ve tried like fun.
    When it’s fixed, I’ll be back…

  13. Lee Muller

    Just admit you didn’t know what the word, “Oriental” meant, and failed at trying to smear someone as racist, when they were not.
    Brawley and Jackson are in politics to help their careers.


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