There was TOO a rally!

The Campbell campaign is quick on the draw.

I posted this at 6:33 a.m. (ignore that weird West-coast time the server throws in for some reason), and at 7:37, I had this response from them, via e-mail:

Brad –
Last night’s event was a funraiser/rally for Mike at the Ogletree Building in Greenville from 6:30 to 7:30. I do not have any jpegs of the event. I can attest that this was not a Rod Shealy-Oscar Lovelace imaginary pig deal. There was a lobby full of people in Greenville for Mike last night.


Adam Piper
Political Director
Mike Campbell for Lt. Governor

Unfortunately, I didn’t actually read the e-mail until now. So I’m passing it on. I believe him. I’m sure there was a lobby full. But I do love to post pictures, so I called Adam and told him that if he can find some — and in a lobby full, somebody had a digital camera of some kind — send ’em to me and I’ll put ’em up.

19 thoughts on “There was TOO a rally!

  1. Randy E

    Campbell wasn’t at a rally. He was sick. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who saw Campbell pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.

  2. Chris White

    Is there any length to which you will not go to give Mike Campbell the benefit of the doubt? Your light hearted and collegiate, “I love that guy Mike Campbell” act is odd, and perhaps against the natural laws of the universe.
    Why not go down to his bar, where his bartenders are shoving booze down the throats of college kids, and profess your undying love for him once and for all…and who knows…maybe you will get lucky. Perhaps you two could get matching purple ceremonial robes?
    That’s it…a college dropout hobbit, and a testosterone deprived peevish book worm in matching purple robes…I think there is a People magazine cover story in this.

  3. Randy E

    Chris, the bar and the undying love bias, which may be very good points, could be expressed without the personal stuff. Let Ann Coulter handle that.

  4. Captain Worley

    I bet the lobby was full of yeti, sasquatch, mermaids, and all other sort of fictional creatures.

  5. Crack the Bell

    A Short History of Short People

    I feel a little guilty about starting the rumor that’s taken hold out here on the Internets that Mike Campbell is actually a hobbit.For the record, I’m pretty short, too, and definitely fat,…

  6. Crack the Bell

    A Short History of Short People

    I feel a little guilty about starting the rumor that’s taken hold out here on the Internets that Mike Campbell is actually a hobbit.For the record, I’m pretty short, too, and definitely fat,…

  7. Preston

    Chris, what is wrong with college kids getting fed booze in a bar? It isn’t like I haven’t seen Andre trolling for something or someone, flying solo in Columbia’s bars. He sure wasn’t looking for his Bible study group.

  8. Tim

    Frodo’s customers are simply following my old adage: “College is a fountain of knowledge where students go to drink.”

  9. Chris White

    Hey Preston…
    There is a huge difference between OWNING a bar that sells booze to college kids and a 37 year old adult going to a bar for a drink. If you can’t see that, I can’t explain it to you.

  10. Ready to Hurl

    Hey, Chris, this looks like fun! Can I play?
    Was that 37-year-old man looking for a tumbler of 18-year-old Scotch or a tumble with an 18-year-old?
    The Repubs field a college drop-out and a My Space Romeo for Gov. Lite. And, they say that the Dems have problems with candidates.

  11. Preston

    Chris, I love bars. Good Ole Lt. Guv does too judging by the number of times I have seen him in them. What is wrong with owning them? I have a friend that owns one. He pays his taxes, employs people and believe it or not is not in the mob.
    Lt. Guv made his fotune being a scheister. Nothing but a used car salesman and real estate hustler. Ask him if he currently has any lawsuits pending dealing with the sale of some property. He might not be able to remember a la the Highway Patrol incidents. I find that more frightening than owning a bar.
    Did you ever have a drink prior to turning 21? I sure did.

  12. Tim

    Which bar does Frodo own anyway? I mean, I’m 41, but a drink sounds good after watching you guys fight about it all day.

  13. Randy E

    I think there is something a little bit not right about a state officer owning a college bar.
    I think there is something very not right about a state officer frequenting college bars. SC2 has already shown some immaturity. This college bar hopping would reinforce that immaturity concern.

  14. Dave

    Recently a liberal Massachusetts judge let a guy off scott free because he was too short to handle prison. Sometimes little is good for you.

  15. Doug

    At 4:00 this afternoon, I was voter #78 at
    the Blythewood Middle School precinct.
    Andre got at least one more vote than he did last time since I was out of town on primary day.
    Why Andre? Two reasons: One, because I haven’t heard anything from Campbell. No TV, no radio, no news ads that I noticed. How could I vote for someone in that case?
    And two, because The State endorsed him with what I would call the lamest rationale I’ve yet to see: Vote for Mike because if Sanford dies, he can call on his father’s buddies to keep SC on the right track… and then this week the headline on the repeat endorsement was “Campbell could be mature, responsible lieutenant governor”.
    Wow… were you not sure????

  16. DAvid

    Lame it may be but even that weak rationale makes better sense than voting for our very own version of Bill Clinton.

  17. Doug

    With the new touchscreen electronic voting machines, I half expected to be taken to Andre’s MySpace page when I pressed the box next to his name. 🙂
    I’ll vote for our version of Bill Clinton over our version of George W. Bush every time. At some point, a man has to stand on his own abilities, not his father’s.


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