Nazis rally at the State House


"Hey, look at the flag, guys!" said the cheerful young Nazi as he and his fellow Brownshirts march in rough order past the Confederate soldier monument on the State House lawn.

It seemed to make him feel at home. He sounded pleased, excited, childlike — in marked contrast to the determined effort of his uniformed cohorts to seem grim and scary.

Shortly thereafter, his comrades ranged themselves at the top of the first tier of steps of the South Carolina Capitol, right in front of George Washington’s statue. Various commands were barked to get the guys with the uniforms ranged all along the plateau looking out at the thin, curious crowd — commands, and casual insults cast off to the right at the exuberant knot of counterprotesters chanting, "Peace, love" and the like.

It was a beautiful spring day, one day after the Fuehrer’s 118th birthday, and no one seemed to be Happynazis
having a bad time. Everybody was doing what they had come to do. Yeah, the atmosphere was uglier than what you would normally expect on such a beautiful day — you can feel that in the video — but I was braced for worse, so it was a pleasant afternoon by comparison to expectations.

The crowd was more or less divided into fourths:

  1. The Nazis had come to stand looking determined, with their leaders screaming defiantly into aSternnazis
    microphone in a way that no doubt thrilled them — I gathered they don’t get out to do this sort of thing much, and they were making the most of it.
  2. The "peace, love" folks were really getting into it, obediently staying behind their barricade. There was no want of enthusiasm on their part; one could not reproach them with that. But one got the feeling of a routine. You know, this weekend the Nazis, next weekend the Iraq war (which the Nazis are also against — they want the troops brought home to defend the border from Mexicans) again. As a photographer from The State observed to me: "Oh, there’s that lady again. I see that lady everywhere."
  3. The cops were out in some force, in all sorts of riot gear — city cops, SLED, Highway Patrol, the Rules
    usual Protective Service folks. Mostly, they just stood on post waiting for trouble that didn’t come while I was there. (The rally was halfway over before they asserted themselves in any way — forming a file between the National Socialists and onlookers, making those of us with cameras move back. For the first couple of speakers, we were up there amongst ’em.)
  4. Then there were the gawkers. Professionals like me, and quite a few hobbyists, many with much better cameras than mine. Some were there to grumble and occasionally shout at the Nazis, but everybody just kind of stayed in their own spot.

Anyway, the speakers eventually got around to praising the Confederate flag — saying how brave andBrothers
wonderful South Carolinians were for flying it on behalf of white people everywhere — and slamming the Hillary Clintons and such who criticize it.

But once the speakers settled into their putative reason for being there — to speak against illegal immigration — I got bored (you can hear that kind of stuff any day), decided I’d been out in the sun enough, and headed back to share my video with you.

That’s coming up momentarily.


63 thoughts on “Nazis rally at the State House

  1. Somebody

    The big “equality”… I paid over 1000 dollars for the US government to come here, just because I wanted to came here legally. And I’m legally here. The mexicans just walking cross the border without paying. Is that equality I paid, but they doesn’t? Is that equality they has free school, free health care, but I have no?
    I’m LEGALLY here, and I’m against the illegals. I don’t want the illegals here, because they are criminals.
    And I’m sure you hate the NSM is against the WAR. You want to tell to everybody the “nazis are evil”, but that is enough hard, if they are not, and they just talking against the crime, drugs, war, etc.

  2. JimT

    I’m sorry if it’s such a drag to have to see “that lady” protesting again, it’s just that there aren’t very many people around Columbia who are actually willing to put their money where their mouths are when it comes to protesting injustice where they see it. Would you have preferred she stayed home?

  3. chri

    are u not working very hard to make this small handful of people….important?
    They are nothing.
    Most of the people in this state are good people. ignore these people.focus on the good.

  4. Jim Hanks

    A Southern heritage group also had about a dozen members out, one carrying a Confederate flag, to show their opposition to the Nazi group.
    “While they may have a right to protest, we’ve got a right to protest them,” said Larry Salley of the League of the South, which supports flying the Confederate flag at a Civil War monument on the Statehouse grounds. “Southerners black and white have more in common with each other than we do with these Yankee scum.
    “And we stand against any organization whether it’s the Nazi party or the NAACP who tries to turn Southerners, black and white, against each other.”
    Salley said most of the people marching with the neo-Nazis were not from South Carolina. A look at some of the license plates on the members’ cars parked near the start of the parade route showed many were from Wisconsin, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio and South Dakota.

  5. Jim Hanks

    This is what the Associated Press reported: The South Carolina League of the South, which says it seeks to advance the culture of well being of South Carolinians, plans its own parade to oppose the neo-Nazi’s message of racial hatred.
    “We oppose race hatred and we believe that South Carolinians should all oppose race hatred wherever it rears its ugly head,” said Jim Hanks, chairman of the South Carolina League of the South.
    Hanks, whose group supports flying the Confederate flag on Statehouse grounds, said members will carry South Carolina flags

  6. Jim Hanks

    Press Release
    LoS Demonstrates against Nazis
    Columbia, SC 21 April 2004: The South Carolina League of the South is 100% against Race Hatred of every kind. In keeping with this policy, the South Carolina League of the South is staging a symbolic counter-protest against the Nazi Race-Hatred March today, Saturday, April 21, 2007. Our protest began at 11:30 AM at the corner of Gervais St. and Main St. where we are expressing our contempt for National Socialism.
    We are demonstrating against an ugly, alien and thoroughly discredited notion that attempts to use Race, Religion and Ethnicity as bogus wedges to weaken South Carolina. The good citizens of South Carolina have everything to gain through mutual love and respect and yet everything to loose should the race haters gain influence and power.
    Race hatred must not, and will not, thrive in our State because we repudiate it. We strike the single blow that hatred can not withstand. Through love for our brother and sister South Carolinians we turn our backs on the messengers of hate and we repudiate their message.
    Neither outside critics nor professional agitators have the power to turn South Carolinians against themselves. We oppose all Race Hatred, both the Nazi variety and the NAACP variety. We will not allow either of these vicious attacks on South Carolina’s citizens to go unopposed. We, the South Carolina League of the South, defend our proud and noble heritage. We attempt to live up to the high standards of duty and courage set by our noble ancestors. We will never abdicate our right as South Carolinians to unite in common self defense.
    Though the majority may choose to remain aloof from the scene, safe at home while Nazis march, yet we of the South Carolina League of the South choose a different course. Nazis must be forced to realize that hate is unwelcome in South Carolina
    The South Carolina League of the South is of and for all South Carolinians.
    The South Carolina League of the South fully concurs and supports the following resolution, H3924.

  7. joe seifert

    Heil Hitler…I beleive in 98% of what you say…but I beleive we must kill many of this white trash…lazy …that disgrace our Arayan Forfathers..



  9. henchy

    America has non-white problem… when will White America wake up and take back our country that was built by whitemen?.We can see what non-whites do to a country they live in they destroy it!, America is a becoming a cesspool!!!

  10. johny cash

    I’m European, and believe me, if the USA would be able to get those niggers out, back to Africa, those vagina-eyed asians back to Asia and all hispanics down to the south, it would be a miracle. Don’t start saying you should eliminate some whites too, because you’ll only weaken your own position. And a weakened position is suicide. Heil Hitler!

  11. Refuse Stupidity

    When this group of nazis say that Jesus was not a Jew, exactly what Bible are they looking at? WAKE UP AMERICA! This is 2007. There should not be any racial issues whatsoever. Leave the nazi crap in WWII. There is so much racial tension in today’s society. We shouldn’t be concerned with color of skin, we should be concerned with the percentage of people that have AIDS, HIV, the poverty percentage or something that can help be prevented. We need to focus on how to better America, not how to make the intelligence level go down. You nazis shouldn’t be saying “Heil Hitler,” or “Heil Commander!” You should be saying ” THANK YOU JESUS FOR SPARING MY SOUL!”

  12. Refuse Stupidity

    Oh, and did Hitler die so that any of you could live? I THINK NOT! A JEW died for you. Get your facts straight people.

  13. Mike Anderson

    It is deeply depressing to think that ANYONE could don a Nazi uniform for ANY reason, but to propagate such vile, disgusting hate for another human being defies my ability to rationalize such behavior.
    Ignorance was bliss in Columbia on Saturday when the Neo Nazis marched to the State House. Among their flags was the Confederate battle flag, case and point as to why the call to remove it from the grounds of our capitol bears merit. Adopting the flag as a banner for a hate group who represents white supremacy is testament of their lack of knowledge of the flag’s history. They have no right to misrepresent its history in such a way. If they were really trying to piss off the black community, why didn’t they adopt the African-American flag with its red, green, and black stripes? That ought to do it.
    Instead they only fueled the fire to have the flag removed from the State House grounds.
    When I think of all of the Americans who lost their lives in World War II fighting Germany and the mad man Hitler, I simply cannot fathom what would make a grown man want to put that same uniform on and parade down an American street.
    May God have mercy on their souls and deliver them from their ignorance.

  14. Somebody

    “the mad man Hitler” – Hitler started a war. Who else? Bush? Yes. Israel? Yes. Almost every country on the World… I see bunch of mad man in the politics, sometimes they yells like crazies “we must help the israelis with money and weapon!!!”. Man, think about it, the US gives YOUR tax money for the Israeli wars, and the US soldiers dies for Israel, not for the US.
    Terror danger in this country? Guess why: because the leadership is serving Israel, and the arabs are angry because this. Think about it!
    Watch the police wanted websites! What do you see? Think about it!
    Although I’m not sure you can see the truth…

  15. Refuse Stupidity

    To “Somebody,” I’m sure Hitler and the Nazis had some good plans to help the people of Germany out. I’m sure Hitler seemed like a good person with strong beliefs. HOWEVER, this does NOT change the fact that millions were killed because ONE man thought that one race was superior to other races. Regardless of taxes and the way they are handled here in America, we cannot discriminate according to race. Race has nothing to do with taxes, honestly. I, my friend, am concerned that YOU cannot see the truth.

  16. FluidDruid

    OK, Folks…..heres how it is. It seems like there is a double standard here.
    I find it quite ironic that the majority of the people protesting the NSM are 1st amendment supporters also.
    The NSM , as I understand it obtains valid parade permits every time it marches. They seem to go a legal route to say what they have to.
    It seems unfair to judge them. They say what they want….and what they believe.
    Everyone seems to think that malcolm x was some sort of hero. But in the begining he was a racist. He hated Whitey. But now somehow in todays world we view forced multiculturalism as the way to go. That ideal is going to strip the guts out of all cultures. That would make everyone the same….
    well…maybe what the Nazis have to say isnt all bad….But god forbid any of these professional protesters would ever relax their ever flapping lips long enough to listen….they may realize that their message is not so different of the one the nazis are trying to get through….
    Another problem with our culture today is that we are spending way to much time squinting to see the similarities in all men when we should first open those squinted eyes and deal with the obvious differences…..ALL RACES AND CULTURES…with no exception ….throughout history…have fought over racial or cultural obvious differences.
    Political correctness only goes so far as to spare the feelings of the few…what it really does…it creates a multitude of verbal “washes” and eventually becomes the ultimate deception.
    So….my point in close…before you go to protest. Try making sure what you are protesting is truly wrong. You should stand behind any man who has values, and is against real social injustices such as crime, war, and social degredation caused by drugs and the message that most rap ….or crap as i call it carries

  17. Marcus

    Typical. More pissing and moaning about the poor Jews. It’s the Jews, lest we forget, that consider themselves “God’s chosen race” so to complain about we National Socialists having a superiority complex is more than just a little hypocritical, is it not? When talking about the “holocaust” liberal revisionists always refer to the 6 million Jews that were killed, at the same time conveniently forgetting the 5 million others that perished, makes you wonder, doesn’t it? If you ask me the Jews should be thankful for the Final Solution, without it they wouldn’t have returned to Palestine to wage their wars of “self-defense”. To accuse Nazis of hatred and bigotry is obscenely hypocritical, as it is a pillar of leftist ideology to throw around allegations of racism to anyone opposing open discrimination of whites in the US.

  18. bud

    Marcus writes:
    “If you ask me the Jews should be thankful for the Final Solution ….”
    “To accuse Nazis of hatred and bigotry is obscenely hypocritical ….”
    Do you people actually believe the vile, contradictory nonsense that you spout?

  19. bud-lite

    bud is a brainwashed lemming just like the rest of jewy America. Just because your family is a mongrel group doesnt mean all whites families are. It is people like bud that are going to ruin this country.

  20. Refuse Stupidity

    I believe you, “bud-lite”, were referring to the mix of races when you said ‘mongrel’. However, your narrow mindedness and just plain stupidity allowed you to think that Bud wrote that, when in all actuality Malcolm wrote that. Congrats! You are officially a moron.

  21. Vanguard News Network

    I’m an Ivy League educated forensic anthropologist and I can assure you that race (for the sake of this debate “race” defined as subgroups of Homosapien) does indeed exist. If I am brought nothing but the skull of a human, I (and any other anthropologist on the planet) will be able to determine the race of the individual.
    Whether it fits with your rather naive egalitarian world-view or not, there are scientifically proven measurable physical variations in bone structure between human subgroups.

  22. Vanguard News Network

    “Of course bone structure is different.” At least your limited intellect allowed you to process that much truth.
    Yes, it’s quite obvious that blacks have had a long-standing affinity with the Confederate Battle Flag. lol. Are you insane, sir?

  23. Vanguard News Network

    So you live in a fantasy land where the Confederate Army was a multi-racial egalitarian one? Roflmao.
    You are delusional.
    Blacks are attempted to erase all vestiges of the Confederacy, at every level, and yet in your fevered mind, they are marching arm and arm with the “It’s not HATE it’s heritage”

  24. Vanguard News Network

    I’m quite sure you are “done with this”, as your position in the debate is untenable.
    Race is real. Ignore it if you wish. It’s time White Americans start looking out for their collective best interest. Every other race has myriad organizations that work exclusively for the betterment and promotion of their group interest. Whites are the only group who are actively discouraged from doing so.
    Have you never wondered why “Black Pride” or “Latino Pride” is A.OK, in fact encouraged, but ANY sort of White expression of racial pride or solidarity is vilified?
    I am seeing a nascent movement of middle class Whites towards a White identity.
    Not these clowns waving Swastikas to be sure, but it is palpable. “White Guilt” has ran it’s course.
    American Whites are tired of non-White crime. Tired of subsidising third world immigrants who invade our land by the tens of millions unchecked and overwhelm our schools and social infrastructure.
    American Whites grow weary of the blatant main stream media double standard that pervades every broadcast. Remember the Duke non-Rape case? Remember the media frenzy over this “crime”? Candlelight vigils, coach fired, Lacrosse season cancelled, public proclamations on “diversity”, etc. Young White men accused of kidnapping and sexual assault charges. All a lie.
    Now, compare the coverage of THAT story or the more recent Imus feeding-frenzy with the story of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome.
    Never heard of either of them? Google their names if you have a strong stomach.
    The reason Channon Christian’s case is not on a 24 hour loop on CNN like the Duke case was or Imus, is because it reveals some very ugly racial truths about America. Truths those who run the media don’t want you to hear.
    But hey, just keep deluding yourselves that all the hatred that non-Whites have for Whites will magically assuage itself the day they become the majority population in North America. You do know that day is coming, right?
    If you want an example of a Black run city, check out Detroitiscrap dot blogspot dot com. If you wish to wonder at the majesty of a black run nation, Google Liberia.
    Do you think things will be better or worse than they already are here in America when the Blacks and Mexicans take over? They are not “assimilating” that’s a myth.
    You people better wake up.

  25. 666 African-American 666

    Deaf and Hard Hearing True join new nazi in europe and american.

  26. Dustin

    You know.. anyone who is against racism, is against white people. Anyone who is against White people is an enemy.

  27. Zachary Isaac

    One Question.
    Has anything you’ve done made you feel any better?
    Has you shaving your head made that hurt go away ?
    Nobody in this world is better than another.
    I live in a farming town in texas and never in my life has a white man called me a nigger. Nobody in this town believes your extrmemist views.
    I have another Question
    Where in the bible does it say that Jesus was not a Jew.
    Let me sum this phrase up for you rednecks
    Does that ring a bell?
    I have another question
    Why is it okay to worship a coward who was to afraid to face the Nuremberg trials?
    He shot himself.
    In the head.
    I have another question
    Why do you Glorify a political party that wreaked so much hatred across Europe.
    Not only to Jews,Poles,Freemasons,Jehovah’s Witnesses, but to their own people.
    let me sum this phrase up
    A German SS soldier murdered a priest for his own amusement
    A priest that followed Hitler and Believed Hitlers Ideas
    I Have another Question
    Why do we glorify Hitler when almost 6 million of our people died so the facist dictator wouldn’t try to rule the world.
    I have another Question
    If Hitler had still been Alive
    would I?
    While it is true that black people commit crimes and carry std’s and whatnot, that is not easily justifiable by acts of racism hatred and bigotry.

  28. brownshirt

    Ignorance truly is bliss. ‘Tis easier to bury one’s head in the sand than to face harsh reality. America is turning into a degenerate third-world cesspool. Any White that can’t see that is either dillusional, or conciously denying the fact because the grim reality is simply too harsh and uncomfortable to recognize and come to terms with. Or, the most sickening possibility, they have succumbed to the non-stop doses of “white guilt” and brainwashing being shoved down our throats and actually embrace this downfall of Western civilization.
    White Nationalism is the only alternative to the “dark” future this and all other White nations face. The White race as a whole is slowly, but steadily, opening their eyes and seeing the horrible truth. The ranks of White Nationalist groups worldwide are growing by leaps and bounds.
    You multiculturalists, zionists and race-mixers cannot defeat us, you cannot stop the tidal wave of justice and truth that will wash over this nation and all of Western civilization. Victory WILL be ours.

  29. Zachary Isaac

    Are you afraid of Black People?
    Do they scare you?
    I think you are.
    When I say “you” I mean all of you ignorant
    stupid perverts that believe that stupid crap that hitler gave you about white people being the superior to everbody else.
    Your afraid of our power and influence and that’s why you’re trying to rally all the White people in the nation to stop us
    But now it’s too late
    How are you going to stop over 100 million people and growing?
    What are you…….. gonna shout us to death?
    You extremist are so weak that you have to hide your real names to keep your selves safe.
    You’re scared of our power.
    You scared of Black Power
    That’s why you yell white power
    that’s why you try to gather your soldiers?
    You don’t scare us.
    Not one bit.
    In our eyes,
    you are sub humans
    hail Garvey!

  30. brownshirt

    Try cracking a history book there, Zach. The White man has always conquered despite the odds. Your numbers mean nothing. One trained, highly motivated White warrior is worth 100 blacks, and you know it. The day of reckoning is coming.

  31. Refuse Stupidity

    Looks like we have yet another moron on this page. Brown Shirt, what are ya’ll gonna do? Put the other races in a crematorium and turn us all into ashes, as was done with the Jews? NEWSFLASH BUDDY: You CANNOT do that this day and age. The concentration camps weren’t supposed to happen like that. Hitler’s sick mind and no conscience allowed him to do horrible things to millions of people, and in the end the tough man himself was too afraid to go to the Nuremberg Trials. The moron killed himself. Your guy running for president from MY hometown, Laurens SC, doesn’t stand a chance in America. He CANNOT send non whites to their “Homelands,” regardless of the Patriot Act. What you ARE going to do is set off a war…right here in the US. Victory will be yours…yeah right.

  32. Zachary Isaac

    I agree one hundred percent with refuse stupidity
    Ask yourselves ,Nazis, are you gonna kill ONE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE AND GROWING?
    We are way too strong and bonded together to let some wannabe’s try to scare us
    and what the hell does
    “white man prevail” mean?
    Do you want a history lesson?
    In the American Revolutionary war there were BLACK men fighting for their freedom
    In the American Civil war there were BLACK men helping the WHITE men win.
    And one trained highly motivated white man will more than likely get shot in a war in Iraq
    leaving our “worthless”,100 to stay in America
    Pretty soon we’ll probably have a BLACK President to run this country.
    Then what’re you gonna do?
    Shout us to death
    “Hail Hitler”?
    Yeah, that’s Really intimidating
    if you ask me
    you are worthless.
    American Power!
    is what you should scream.

  33. Zachary Isaac

    Before any of you respond to my comment, I have one thing to say
    There was one injustice done to a white man because of what he said.
    Don Imus, was fired from NBC because he made some,”racially” motivated comments
    He Called the players of the Rutgers team,
    Nappy headed ho’s.
    And of course, here comes the bigot Al Sharpton calling for him to be fired and the black community shouting that he was wrong for what he said.
    That’s real funny because the other day I heard a song on the radio about some nappy headed ho’s, and instead of the Bigot
    Al Sharpton calling for censorship, they’re still making money.
    That’s real funny.
    That’s what racism does to people
    It makes them blind to one race and makes them hold up another.
    I don’t know what to think anymore, except that a war will be started. Right here in the United States of America.

  34. Zachary Isaac

    oh yeah, one more thing.
    I did crack a history book yesterday.
    and, quite frankly, I didn’t read anything about just the”white man” conquering all odd
    So you can take that bullshit and shove it up your scary,bony ass!!!

  35. brownshirt

    Wow, I guess brainwashing and conditioning really does have an effect. Some of you seem to be completely and utterly incapable of objective thought. You’ll accept as gospel anything you see on the jewtube. Pull your heads out of you derriers, people.
    To those who say “you’re outnumbered!”, what’s your point? Is history ever made by the masses? No. That’s because the herd of human sheep is complacent. Fat and happy with the status quo and eager to make life easy by “going with the flow”….even though that flow is heading straight down the toilet. Too scared and emasculated to ever take a stand. Easily controlled and manipulated by those in power. Content with an illusion of “freedom”.
    “The Nazis are losing on this blog.” And just how do you define victory on an internet blog? Arguing on the internet is like competeing in the special olympics: even if you “win”, you’re still retarded. I’m not here to “win” anything. If nothing else, it’s amusing to me to stir up the hornet’s nest. 😉

  36. Refuse Stupidity

    How do YOU define victory in eliminating races aside from your own? How do YOU define victory in killing masses of innocent people based upon their ethnic backgrounds?

  37. Zachary Isaac

    “To those who say “you’re outnumbered!”, what’s your point? Is history ever made by the masses? No. That’s because the herd of human sheep is complacent. Fat and happy with the status quo and eager to make life easy by “going with the flow”….even though that flow is heading straight down the toilet. Too scared and emasculated to ever take a stand. Easily controlled and manipulated by those in power. Content with an illusion of “freedom”. ”
    You need to be shot in the head.
    My point I am trying to get across to you is not about the issue of how well trained the white man is and how he can “over come the odds” Is that you are too afraid to take a stand. Because the minute you do, you will fall. You know we are to strong to be stopped.
    Even if all of you Nazis bond together, it still wouldn’t be enough to stop us.
    I mean, look around you, you have MEXICANS working on your roads and buildings.
    You have BLACK people in congress.
    You have those “Vagina Eyed”
    ASIANS to cook your food.
    While you have enough time to sit and look on this blog you could be outside, taking those jobs away from those “spics” that you say are taking your jobs.
    you gotta be kidding me.
    They’re in this country to do jobs that you wouldn’t even fathom doing. While, in some cases you are viewing them as leeches on society, they are still here. Sometimes I hate seeing them here as much as you do (especially when they marched on washington). But they are here, in any way to help our country.
    Now let me get on Blacks. Number one, we are not Worthless. Number two I bet you five dollars that you wouldn’t walk up to a black person right now and call them a nigger. Number three, we are too powerful for you to even think of “exporting” us back to Africa. If you think about the United States of America there are mixed races everywhere you look, and even if one person was to say White Power, everybody would look and say, “whatever, man get over it.” I live in one of the most racist towns in Texas and nobody here has been to any kind of rallies. Well, it was that one time when they were having a rally for the Ku Klux and a white girl came by my house :).
    She was the Grand dragons daughter. Ha Ha!
    And finally, the jews. God’s people.
    Everywhere in the bible there is some indication that God had something higher for the Jews.
    Ever since They were enslaved by RamesesII they have wandered and been persecuted. which let me know that every other race who has done wrong to the jews, (including mine) will experience persecution also.
    Look around you, man. There are hundreds of black people, mexicans, and jews walking amongst you. If you want to start a war then go ahead. But you wouldn’t get very far.
    And stop being a Douchebag because you are not the Aryan race. Im talking to you “brownshirt” Your probably gonna write some stupid bullshit about, The white man prevailing, but little do you know that you cries are falling on deaf ears

  38. Zachary Isaac

    And thanks to Refuse stupidity for sticking with me and helping me on this blog. A lone black man is too little to face such a perveted issue such as racism. But don’t think,”brown shirt” that you are stirring up the hornets nest because all I have to do is sit back and laugh at you dumbass, vain attempts to get support.

  39. Refuse Stupidity

    I really hope you’re kidding Obama’s Mama. What’s retarded is people thinking they are better than the next person. Don’t quit your day job to start writing on blogs.

  40. Zachary Isaac

    I have a few questions for “Obama’s Mama”
    Do you regularly view porn?
    Are you 50 or more pounds overweight?
    Do you feel alone and empty on the Inside?
    If you answered yes to any two of those questions……go take a gun and point it to you head,cock it, and pull the friggin trigger. Asshole.

  41. Paul Weber

    Well, it’s already well into June and I haven’t heard any witty banter from either side of the subject matter of white power.
    In order to stir it up again, I must say that Brownshirt seems to have a valid position in certain matters and that Isaac seems to counter with some good comments. Isaac, don’t lose focus as you did recently.
    Hey, Isaac, I don’t care what color you are. If you want me to meet you and call you a niggar, I will do so, if that will mean something to you. It will not prove anything to me. It is just a name. BTW, why can’t Imus call people nappy headed ho’s? Did it hurt somebody’s feelings. Well, get over it.
    Also, why can’t whites promote being white? This may have escaped some of you (as quite apparent in the argument regarding blacks in the Civil War), but whites started this country and whites are deciding the fate of this country. If you are ignorant to this fact than I need no longer waste my breath on you.
    My reform would not be as race based as discused by all. It would have much to do with welfare recipients and criminals. If the majority of those affected would be black or hispanic than so be it. It is not about race or nationality, it is about trying to prevent this country from imploding through apathy (our current course).
    Too many scumbags are able to promote their agendas that are affecting the masses while the ones with the right plan are being silenced.
    More to come…

  42. Zachary isaac

    I agree with your comment. I have no problem with what you just said. I have come to the fact that it is not okay for blacks to be always morally right and when a white person stumbles up and calls someone a ” you know”
    here comes all these bigots and activists complaining about racial stuff and when you think about it, black people have their own t.v. network and own magazine.If a white man was to come up with WET, OH No!!!! he’s a racist. Im not a racist, Paul Webber, just a man who thinks . A lot. I don’t appreciate Nazis. not one bit. they are just a wrong as the Black Panthers. Disregard all my other statements.

  43. Zachary Isaac

    There are two kinds of people in this country. Not raced-based, working wise
    Leeches and productive members of society.
    if you are a leech then you need not respond. Nazis or Ku Klux, or National association for the advancement of colored people.
    they are all leeches
    If you are a productive member, leave your name

  44. Zachary Isaac

    There are two kinds of people in this country. Not raced-based, working wise
    Leeches and productive members of society.
    if you are a leech then you need not respond. Nazis or Ku Klux, or National association for the advancement of colored people.
    they are all leeches
    If you are a productive member, leave your name

  45. chata

    The State and other news outlets that covered the Nazi rally only inflate their power and fan the flames of hate. It’s irresponsible. I understand the media’s sad need to “get the picture” (skinheads under the Confederate flag!) and go for the easy story, but sometimes a little restraint would better serve your readers. Shame on you.

  46. Refuse Stupidity

    How about I wrote John Taylor Bowles (The Nazi who is running for president) yesterday. I reminded him that it is absolutely ridiculous for him to honestly believe that he can get rid of all races, aside from whites. I also stated that he will NOT be voted in. His reply?
    “Either I’ll be voted in, or I will take the White House by force.”
    Sound like a threat to anybody else?

  47. Zachary Isaac

    All of you Nazi- supremacist are blind to every fact that has been presented in your direction. You say we are sub humans and you constantly say you are the supreme race. You say that an All white america is the way to go. But you are still blind to the fact that we are everywhere you look….. and it tears you that you cannot eliminate us. You fear us, and you hide behind that flag that brought so much pain , hatred, and misery to the europeon countries surrounding Germany. You find problems in your everyday life and feel that your losses are to be blamed on us, when your forefathers used to own us, thus bringing the problems of America to fall right back on to your oblivious minds. What pains me is to turn on the Tv and see these white supremacist groups shouting that the superior race will exterminate the inferior, while you hide behind those armed guards that protect you and comfort you. You know the things that frighten you only makes you hate them more. I feel that you are so afraid of us that the only way to make that fear disappear is to declare hatred on every non-white person. But you have taken no action. So your words sadly but surely will, and always have, fallen on deaf ears. And I plead with the youth that are confused but lied to everyday to look into your hearts and see the truth. That America is NOT better all white.

  48. Southern Party Member

    I find it appalling that groups like the KKK can illegally “act” on behalf of the Confederate people whom oppose their existence.
    The KKK is no different then Islamic Terrorists who hijacked the religion of Islam for the purpose of terror and violence.
    However unlike Islam we Confederates are standing up and plan to take back our flag and all of our imagery from the KKK.
    The Southern Party of Florida supports a plan to make it illegal for the any form of the Confederate flag to be used in anyway by the KKK.
    Once a Southern Party of South Carolina forms you can bet they will support our cause and push to get this measure passed.
    Once the KKK is restricted from using our confederate symbols, we Southerners can get back to trying to kick the Americans out and retake our nation. The KKK has done more damage to the liberty of Dixie then reconstruction ever did.
    Also I hate to break it all you Klansman and Nazi’s but well over 4,000 Jews fought for the Confederacy, and occupied positions as high as general in some theaters. The Confederate Flag is a Jewish flag, so why are y’all flying it at a anti-Jewish rally? Why not fly the Star of David next to really confuse people…

  49. mark

    I need help i am trying to start a site with non hate view points but for people who want to save american history which is white history with a non hate or discrimination viewpoint we need to get as many of us together to start the fight now while we still have any chance in saving our real american history our pride and our country or e mine as well just give up and hand it all over to blacks and hispanics we basically already have!!!!! Even whites with ancestors who fought in our wars of independence dont even care what is happening we need to do something email me at with any ideas!!! on how to advertise and create a site


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