Video: What’s different about THIS referendum?

ne last word on the subject of the District 5 referendum. Now, on the eve of the vote, is a good time to revisit my video clip in which the unanimous board explains, in their words, what’s different about this bond proposal, as opposed to the ones in the past that divided the trustees.

One thought on “Video: What’s different about THIS referendum?

  1. Rob

    Well, Dist 5 is back to the way is was in past, but this time there are no good guys (gals). They are all pulling together to fleece the taxpayers…untruths, tall tales, a new administrator that is looking like he is as bad as the last one. Skirts the truth, etc. They put portables in front of school for bond purposes. We wont be fooled by the sneaky ploys! Irmo use to have portables out back of school. Apparently these were sold and now new ones. More waste! We just defeated the huge tax increase today. The people have spoken! This school board needs to get real. We DONT need a new high school with all the new staff. We can add on the existing three schools for a lot less money!
    Irmo is barely in the 16 largest schools in SC 2000+ students while others have over 3000. Add room for 6-700 students to each school and your problem is solved for a lot less money! Duh!


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