Obama vs. Sarahmania

In the battle of the political celebs for headlines, Barack Obama edged out Sarah Palin for most coverage last week, according to the Pew Center, although the Alaska gov dominated and "drove the media’s election narrative" again, whatever that means:

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama generated more exposure last week, but Republican VP hopeful Sarah Palin drove the media’s election narrative the week of Sept. 8-14, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism.
    Obama was a significant or dominant factor in 61% of campaign stories last week. Palin was a significant or dominant factor in 53%, edging out her running mate, John McCain (49%). Obama’s VP candidate, Joe Biden, registered only at 5%.
    Although Palin trailed Obama in the amount of coverage, she was clearly the focus of the campaign narrative last week. Storylines involving Palin accounted for 50% of the newshole, and she was a major factor in the top four media election narratives of the week. Scrutiny of Palin’s public record (14% of the newshole) topped the press agenda. Her ABC interview with Charlie Gibson followed (10%). The “lipstick on a pig” comment (10%) and reaction to Palin’s nomination (9%) rounded out the biggest storylines for Sept. 8-14.

Do you get the sense that somebody at Pew just doesn’t want to let go of "Sarahmania," even when Obama’s stats are higher?

Of course, Sarah beat out the old guy who’s running with her. And poor Joe garnered 5 percent of coverage, which is sort of like his bid for the presidency all over again…

10 thoughts on “Obama vs. Sarahmania

  1. Tim C

    McCain had 3,000 at a 16,000 person arena yesterday. What’s he really feeling inside? He’s being upstaged by the person he put on the map. In the press and in campaign events, he’s second fiddle.

  2. Uncle Elmer

    She’s half a newshole’s worth of story…that phrase is going to tickle my funnybone for the rest of the, and I don’t care if it’s immature.

  3. Bill

    McCain told ABC news that Sara Palin was more qualified to be President of the United States (not VP) than Mitt Romney, Tom Ridge, Joe Lieberman, Obama, or Biden.
    McCain must be smoking CRACK!!!!!!!!

  4. Bill

    McCain told ABC news that Sara Palin was more qualified to be President of the United States (not VP) than Mitt Romney, Tom Ridge, Joe Lieberman, Obama, or Biden.
    McCain must be smoking CRACK!!!!!!!!

  5. Bill

    McCain told ABC news that Sara Palin was more qualified to be President of the United States (not VP) than Mitt Romney, Tom Ridge, Joe Lieberman, Obama, or Biden.
    McCain must be smoking CRACK!!!!!!!!

  6. Lee Muller

    When did Obama quit smoking crack? His memoir talks about getting drunk, smoking pot and doing cocaine, but never mentions quitting.

  7. Lee Muller

    Charlie Gibson asked Obama about his tax proposals. Obama didn’t know what the capital gains tax was, which is not surprising for a ghetto Marxist who never made over $25,000 a year before being adopted by the Daley machine.
    On Sept 17, Obama asked, “What is AIG?”
    Only one of the largest financial companies in the world, O-man.
    Where is the media outrage over Obama’s ignorance of financial matters?


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