Dealignment is the coming thing — which is good for the UnParty

Kathryn brings this to our attention, over on Salon:

Last week, Brent Budowsky pondered the prospects for realignment in The Hill. With more than 40% of Americans identifying themselves as independents, Budowsky writes, “Realignment is dead. President Barack Obama and Democrats blew it. Dealignment has arrived. Republicans blew it, and are now so repellent that Americans increasingly reject both political parties.”

That supports something I have heard frequently — that neither party is really interested in the problems of ordinary Americans, that what politicians on both ends of the spectrum really care about is being re–elected, and a new party is needed.

So when “dealignment” occurs, who’s standing there to pick up the pieces? The UnParty, baby — the UnParty.

4 thoughts on “Dealignment is the coming thing — which is good for the UnParty

  1. Brad Warthen

    And note this from the article at The Hill linked above:

    Democrats should ask why, this summer, the vaunted Obama machine and e-mail list inspired virtually none of his supporters to attend town meetings, compared to opponents, who inspired masses to dominate the summer debate.

    Republicans should ask why they still lag behind Democrats in polls, while they become a party that honors those who promote fanatical hatred toward the president that is ominous and dangerous to the nation, and turns off those who decide elections.

    Good description, that.

  2. Lee Muller

    Obama supporters are too lazy to participate in government, much less work for a living.

    Republicans don’t represent the grass roots millions who protest Obamanism in town hall meetings and public demonstrations. That’s why the conservative majority refuses to elect them. The only way for the GOP to regain power is to get rid of 90% of its incumbents. The public doesn’t want mealy-mouthed followers like Lindsay Graham and John McCain.

  3. Karen McLeod

    The election machine worked so well because it was able to make lots of people aware of events via email. I haven’t seen any of the emails that reported these town hall meetings, or requested that people attend them.

  4. Lee Muller

    You haven’t seen Barack Obama’s birth certificate or school records, either.

    There were no GOP emails to organize these protests against socialism – they were organized by hundreds of local groups, in a true grassroots fashion.


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