You, too, can ring the bell

Just FYI, if you would like to do like Jessica and me and ring the bell for Salvation Army, there’s still time. Here’s how:

Hello,This is just a quick note to Salvation Army volunteers letting you know that shifts to Ring the Bell in 2009 are still available!

If you have already registered to Ring the Bell, thank you! We appreciate your time and hope you will consider ringing again!

If you have NOT registered to Ring the Bell, we would love for you to help with this year’s fundraising campaign!

Registering is easy! Simply visit Click the “Ring the Bell” graphic. Select the location of your choosing. Click on the times that are convenient.

Please help The Salvation Army raise money this Christmas season to help people in need!

December 24 is the last day to Ring the Bell!

Register today.

Thanks for your consideration!

You’ll be glad you did.

5 thoughts on “You, too, can ring the bell

  1. bud

    I’ve alway admired the Salvation Army but this makes me wonder. From the Houston Chronicle:

    Some toy drives check immigration status

    By JEANNIE KEVER Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
    Nov. 30, 2009

    They don’t claim to know who’s been naughty or nice, but some Houston charities are asking whether children are in the country legally before giving them toys.

    In a year when more families than ever have asked for help, several programs providing Christmas gifts for needy children require at least one member of the household to be a U.S. citizen. Others ask for proof of income or rely on churches and schools to suggest recipients.

    The Salvation Army and a charity affiliated with the Houston Fire Department are among those that consider immigration status, asking for birth certificates or Social Security cards for the children.

  2. Brad Warthen

    Now, now, settle down there, ol’ fella…

    I just saw Jessica at Rotary. I asked her how her boss, the governor, was doing. She said he was hanging in there, curse the luck…

    Actually, “curse the luck” is my commentary, not hers. Jessica would see that as a good thing…

  3. Kathryn Fenner

    Burl, if you come over here, I’m sure I can fix you up a shift ringing with Jessica or Stephanie or Ann Marie or other toothsome lovelies from Cola Rotary….

  4. Kathryn Fenner

    and folks, it really is a hoot! I would do more than the three I have except that my knee tricks out for a day or two afterwards….

    The little kids who timidly creep up to put money on the kettle, the clearly former clients of Salvation Army who are very dedicated to paying back generously….really does put me into the Christmas spirit….


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