Watch for ads (I hope) in this space…

FYI, you know how I’ve been meaning to start taking ads on the blog, and just haven’t gotten around to it? Well, this inquiry I got at the end of last week has me scrambling to go ahead and make that happen:


I may have an advertiser for your blog.  Are you accepting ads?  Please forward me rate & spec info as soon as possible.  Client (undisclosed, political) would like to be up for one week beginning 2/8.


I’ve had to beg this (potential) client’s patience, since I was out of action for several days due to my father-in-law’s death. Now, in addition to scrambling to catch back up on my freelance work and job hunt (several things happened on that front while I was in Memphis), and prepare for tonight’s candidate forum at Eastminster, I’m trying to get set up to take ads, figure out the rate, etc. I don’t know whether I can get it all done in time to accommodate this campaign, but I’m trying.

It’s interesting that I don’t even know yet who the candidate is, which in a way is best, since I can’t possibly be accused of favoritism in trying to arrange this, right?

Anyone who advertises on my blog will simply have to understand that my opinions are what they are, whoever might be renting space from me. I don’t know any other way to be. It will be interesting to see whether that means I only get ads from people I tend to agree with, or from those who DISagree who see it as a way to balance what I say. I have no idea which dynamic will prevail…

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