Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, October 8, 2010

I’ve been remiss the last couple of days, but here’s one more front before the week ends:

  1. Dow Climbs Above 11000 (WSJ) — Yay, economy! For once. Meanwhile, the dollar continues to plummet — just as I’m planning a trip to England. Again, my sense of market timing is impeccable.
  2. Largest U.S. Bank Halts Foreclosures in All States (NYT) — The bank built by Bennettsville boy (say that five times) Hugh McColl leads the way on another promising sign. In less happy news, but a development that should absolutely thrill Nikki Haley, Mark Sanford and our other anti-gummint friends, “Employment Picture Dims as Government Cuts Back.”
  3. China angry at dissident’s Nobel (BBC) — Yeah, well, ya see, China — y’all are the bad guys on this. As Austin Powers would say, “It’s Freedom, Baby — yeah!”
  4. Despite U.S. Apologies, Pakistan Blocks Supply Route (NPR) — It’s horrible that we killed a couple of Pakistan’s people, and I know I’m going to catch it from my more peaceful friend, but I can’t help thinking: If Pakistan isn’t going to deal with al Qaeda and the Taliban, it would really help if it would get its people out of the way so that we can.
  5. Chile miners should be reached ‘within hours’ (BBC) — But it’ll still be at least next week before they can be pulled out.
  6. Why SC will beat No.1 Alabama ( — A little something for your sports fans. Ron Morris, for once, agrees with something Lou Holtz says.

One thought on “Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, October 8, 2010

  1. bud

    The Chilean mine cave-in is a remarkable story. I really, really, really want to see this end well. That would rival the feel-good story of the miracle on the Hudson.


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