Virtual Front Page, Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

Hey, two weekdays in a row! Here ya go:

  1. Egypt army rules out using force (BBC) — Sounds like a significant development to ME. That is, if they stick to that commitment. It’s certainly gotten Mubarak’s attention. Maybe soon we can get the Web back up, so actual Egyptians can join the online discussion…
  2. Oil Prices Rise (WSJ) — Of course, the rise of democracy can have its price. Actually, of course, this is more about the rise of uncertainty. Because, you know, we don’t know what will replace the authoritarians.
  3. Trolleys turned over to Columbia ( — Another of Mayor Benjamin’s proposals moves closer to reality. Man, I can’t wait to have the subway system up and running.
  4. Federal Judge Rules Health Law Violates Constitution (NYT) — The anti-health-care-reform forces (and that’s what you are if you’re against mandates — opposed to health care reform) find another judge to their way of thinking. So the game stands at 2 and 2.
  5. SC hog farm to generate renewable energy (CRBR) — One thing about methane, it’s definitely renewable.
  6. Bond composer John Barry dies aged 77 (BBC) — Bet you didn’t even know who wrote the scores of “From Russia With Love” and “Goldfinger.” Well, he’s gone now.

6 thoughts on “Virtual Front Page, Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

  1. bud

    Here’s an interesting headline from Think Progress:

    Income Inequality In The U.S. Is Worse Than In Egypt.

    Since 1979 the gap between the super rich and the working class has exploded in this country. According to the report the top 1/10 of 1 percent of all Americans now controls 12.3% of the nation’s wealth. Why does this get so little attention from the media? Eventually people will catch on and when they do things could get ugly.

    The full story can be found here:

  2. Doug Ross


    Those top 1/10 of 1% also pay the vast majority of income taxes. 50% of Americans pay zero income taxes.

    If they didn’t steal it, why can’t a person earn as much as they want? Do you consider Bill Gates and Warren Buffett unscrupolous? Because I watched Bill Gates last night on The Daily Show talking about how he is contributing 1 BILLION dollars to help eradicate polio in the world. You want to take away more of his money to give to people?

  3. Doug Ross


    Stop making stuff up. If you can’t provide facts, don’t invent them.

    I’ll ask again – how much more in taxes do you want Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to pay? and how will you make up for the billions of dollars in charitable giving that they have spent and will spend?

    The best solution to the income gap? Education and hard work. What should be the expectation of income for a high school dropout with no desire to improve himself?

  4. Doug Ross


    And you never did respond to the recent news that Social Security is collapsing much faster than anticipated. I thought you told us it was in good shape?

  5. bud

    Social Security is good through 2037. A few tweaks here and there and it’s fine through 2075. Social Security is unquestionably the most demagogued federal program in history. It’s been a phenomenal success that has helped millions. Let Gates and Buffet contribute the full 6% of their income to the program and it will remain solvent even beyond 2075. Why do people want to get rid of such a successful program? Works far better than private health insurance and is certainly more popular.


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