Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, August 19, 2011

Here’s what we have for you at the end of the week:

  1. Stocks End Week With New Losses Worldwide (NYT) — In New York, the losses were related to the decision by HP to get out of the PC business, leaving Dell as the only U.S. maker, according to “cousin” Ben Worthen.
  2. Deadly raid on UK Kabul compound (BBC) — The terrorists killed 12 before being wiped out themselves.
  3. Science hasn’t changed, but the politics have (WashPost) — McCain believed in man-made climate change. Michele Bachmann calls it a “myth.” Rick Perry is more circumspect, regarding it as an “unproven… theory.” You know, like evolution. But then there’s that wacky Jon Huntsman, who Tweeted, “To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy.
  4. SC frats all on double-secret probation ( — Right now, somewhere in the Greek Village, someone is saying, “Over?!? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor…?” Somewhat more seriously, this followed six alcohol violations by USC frats. Which is about as seriously as I can take the world of fraternities. On stuff like this, I would totally side with Dean Wormer.
  5. Obama Takes A Vacation: Getaway Or Gaffe? (NPR) — I don’t know. What do y’all think?
  6. Behind the Georgetown-China fight (WashPost) — And now, turning to the world of sport…

Three items that almost made the page: Deal frees ‘West Memphis Three’Egypt Registers Complaint With Israel Over Killings and New Syrian protests ‘turn deadly’.

39 thoughts on “Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, August 19, 2011

  1. `Kathryn Fenner

    How many vacations did W take? I liked what E.J. Dionne said on NPR–it’s the location that is a bit politically off – perhaps the Outer Banks or the Upper Peninsula….

  2. Brad

    Yeah, Martha’s Vineyard is pretty tone-deaf.

    He should defy expectations totally and go to Myrtle Beach. Everyone would be too flabbergasted to criticize…

  3. Steven Davis

    Rick Perry was on town today… nothing on your Front Page.

    I’m sure you’ll never see Obama stoop to set foot on the Redneck Riviera… unless he’s on the campaign trail. Besides, Obama prefers to ride his girl model bike in high society, Democratic territory.

  4. Steven Davis

    Bush went to his personal home in Texas when he went on vacation. How many times has Obama spent in his Chicago home?

    Besides, his in-laws and relatives aren’t going to be impressed flying on Air Force One from Washington, DC to Chicago… they want Hawaii or somewhere overseas.

  5. bud

    Speaking of Myrtle Beach, the SCDOT is moving ahead with plans to build I-73 to MB even though improvements to existing roads could accomplish the same thing for about 1/10 the cost. Perhaps this is our way of stimulating the economy.

  6. Scout

    W definately had more vacation days than Obama at this point. I heard that stat yesterday though I couldn’t tell you the exact number of days right now. Clinton had the least of the 3 at this same point.

    Skipping to another headline, I love Huntsman’s tweet. I so wish he had a chance.

  7. Billy

    No, Brad, even Myrtle Beach is too upscale. Maybe down to Savannah…
    I loved the Huntsman quote. A moderate Republican these days is crazy? Man, those extreme right-wing elephant noses are headed for extinction.

  8. Bart

    Had to bring up the W vacations, right? Well, let’s put it into some perspective. Bush may have taken a lot of vacations but they were to Camp David or his ranch in Crawford. Most of his vacations were working vacations and he had meetings with several heads of state, including Putin. The cost to the taxpayers, a lot less than vacations to Martha’s Vineyard.

    I don’t defend the number of vacations Bush took but the difference is the timing and as pointed out – location and most important of all – perception. I think tone-deaf is putting it very mild.

    The country may already be in a second dip recession based on the looks of things in Europe, Asia, and here in America.

    Photo-ops of Obama and family vacationing in a place most of us couldn’t afford to even visit while the country is going through clearly delivers the wrong message.

  9. SusanG

    I think he’s rented a house on Martha’s Vineyard for the last two years, hasn’t he? Folks have said the same things every time, so it’s no surprise to him — he must just feel it’s worth it to him.

  10. Phillip

    Bart, each one of Bush’s many trips to the ranch in Texas was just as costly to taxpayers as this Obama trip. Moreover, no Presidential vacation is anything other than a “working vacation,” especially in this age of constant connectivity. I do think he could have been more creative in selecting a different location.

    I had to laugh at the Donald’s complaint that Obama takes “more vacation than any human being” he’s ever known…it was on Adnan Khashoggi’s former yacht anchored offshore at Edgartown that I met the Donald 20 years ago and got a tour of the boat from him, but that’s a story for another time, maybe a blog party…

  11. bud

    I don’t defend the number of vacations Bush took but the difference is the timing and as pointed out – location and most important of all – perception. I think tone-deaf is putting it very mild.

    That was THE problem with the Bush vacations, timing. He went to Arizona to celebrate John McCain’s birthday while a category 5 hurricane was bearing down on New Orleans. Couldn’t he have just sent McCain a nice card?

  12. Mark Stewart

    Martha’s Vineyard has a lot more going on than most people down here seem to realize.

    There’s nothing wrong with a little time away. At the very least, his wife and kids deserve a change of scene.

    Why does anyone care? Really?

  13. Steven Davis

    @Mark – I care, because Michelle and her kids took a separate flight 4 hours earlier with additional cost for flights, security, etc… all at taxpayer expense. All so they could have a “change of scene” for a couple extra hours.

    Maybe you don’t have a problem with this but I know many who do. When the First Family travels, it’s not like you and I scheduling different flights for everyone, there’s a lot more involved.

  14. Tim

    I know you care deeply about the various flight schedules of all presidents and their families. I look forward to reading your detailed accounts of previous administrations various flight plans, travels, and manifests, since I know you have a long concern with this issue, and it didn’t just pop up in January of 2009.

  15. Mark Stewart


    I don’t care; regardless of who is the President of the United States.

    So, what, the first family shouldn’t travel? Have friends? A life? But you are correct; their travel arrangements are not like your own would be. That’s just the way it is.

  16. Bart

    That was THE problem with the Bush vacations, timing. He went to Arizona to celebrate John McCain’s birthday while a category 5 hurricane was bearing down on New Orleans. Couldn’t he have just sent McCain a nice card?


    He couldn’t send a nice card. He was too busy planning on where to set the charges on the levees so N.O. would flood and cause even more widespread destruction and devastation.

    No, wait a minute, he was too busy planning a future economic disaster so the entire country would suffer, he wasn’t satisfied with N.O. Damn, what an evil genius this GWB really is.

    There, see how it all worked out? Obama has Bush to blame along with European debt, Japanese earthquate and tsunami, Arab uprisings, and Standard and Poors for our economic troubles while shouldering none.

    Poor guy, he needs a vacation.

  17. Bart

    Bart, each one of Bush’s many trips to the ranch in Texas was just as costly to taxpayers as this Obama trip. Moreover, no Presidential vacation is anything other than a “working vacation,” especially in this age of constant connectivity. I do think he could have been more creative in selecting a different location.


    So, the visit to Brian Roberts, the CEO of Comcast, a personal friend and financial supporter, is a “working vacation”? Gee, what was I thinking?

    His visit with Roberts must have something to do with maintaining communications while Hurricane Irene is brewing offshore. Or, job creation ideas to bring unemployment down to the 8% promised. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  18. Rose

    Re: frats
    It must have been like Animal House for USC to shut down rush. The alcohol culture has been around for a loooonnnnggg time. My husband was a member of one of the fraternities named in the article (over 20 years ago) and the only thing that surprised him was that the University was actually DOING something about it this year. He wondered what was so different this time than the last several decades.

  19. Steven Davis

    @Mark – What you don’t get is, if they had paid for separate flights and security details out of their own pocket, there would not be a problem. But they decided to spend taxpayer dollars for twice the airfare (how much does it cost for private helicopter and private jet flights) and a second security detail (how much does it cost to send 30 secret service, when 15 would have been sent had they traveled together? Barry and Michelle don’t know and don’t care either… why should they, it’s not coming out of their pocket.

  20. Steven Davis

    @Tim – I tell you what, since you volunteered me for creating this detailed report, I’m going to volunteer that you hold your breath until I get it done. Deal?

  21. Mark Stewart


    I get more than you might think.

    If you believe the issue is 15 vs 30 secret service agents (and the addition of a 450 mile Gulfstream III flight), your frame of reference isn’t able to scale to the size of the actual logitical endeavor required to transit the President anywhere. It’s an understandable problem; nobody is like the President of the United States – whomever the officeholder is.

  22. Tim

    I promise to hold my breath around you. Thanks for your caring concern about me, and about Obama sticking it to the Man.

  23. Steven Davis

    @Mark – Okay, so you’re saying the cost is more than my hypothetical numbers.

    What you haven’t educated me on is why US taxpayers paid for separate flights when everyone could have flown on one plane. Doesn’t that seem a little wasteful? Would you pay out of pocket to send your wife and kids out on a separate private jet, or would you tell them to wait 4 hours and fly out with you?

  24. Mark Stewart

    Again, you seem to have difficulty grasping the scale.

    Bluntly, I am not and never will be President. The difference between commercial and gen aviation does not even come close to characterizing the delta of Presidential travel. That was my sole point. My own experiences in life matter not.

    If it makes you feel better, I have been known to send my dog to the kennel – solo – in a black car when I travel.

  25. Steven Davis

    Again, why did the Obamas travel on two separate private jets at taxpayer expense rather than fly one one together?

    The question isn’t that difficult to understand.

  26. Brad

    I wouldn’t necessarily call the Daily Mail my FAVORITE, but I did read it a couple of times when I was over there, and I did enjoy a couple of the articles.

    For instance, this one, which I recommend, if you lads can stand having all your boyhood fantasies about the Playboy lifestyle dragged through the mud: “Playboy mansion? More like a squalid prison: Former Playmates tell of ‘grubby’ world inside Hugh Hefner’s empire.”

    Don’t read it if you’ve just eaten, or are about to eat. It is indeed “grubby.”

    I meant to blog about that one at the time (New Year’s Eve, 2010), but I was busy.

  27. Steven Davis

    I have friends who have been “invited guests” to a few of the thousands of parties held at the Playboy mansion over the past 15-20 years. They all have the same impression… it’s nasty, and not in the good way. Think shag carpet from the 1970’s that never been cleaned other than maybe a weekly vacuuming. Most of the house they saw hasn’t been updated since the 1960’s or 1970’s. Everyone there has a dog or cat… most are not housebroken or not given a chance to go outside in time to relieve themselves.

    Think of a $29/night Motel 6 motel room… that hasn’t been updated since the 1970’s.


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