Virtual Front Page, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011

Here’s what we have at midweek:

  1. Rebels Set Gadhafi Bounty (WSJ) — Yes, it’s come to this, Moammar. Related stories at The Guardian, the BBC, and The Washington Post.
  2. No evacuations for Irene in S.C. ( — Apparently, the danger (for us) is over. At least, according to Nikki Haley. She has examined the evidence and decided that the state need not go to that expense, but let the counties handle. Which would reassure me entirely, coming from almost anyone else.
  3. Gergel will not run for re-election ( — Which sort of surprised me, since I thought Belinda enjoyed doing this. But with Judge Richard having to be on the road so much, it’s apparently not as much of a delight as it otherwise might be.
  4. Poll: Perry is new GOP front-runner (WashPost) — Hey, I told y’all this would happen a couple of weeks ago, didn’t I? Actually, I said a lot more than that would happen. Time will tell…
  5. Sarkozy Proposes New Tax Measures to Lower Debt (NYT) — OK, just keeping score. First, the Conservative Party in Britain raises taxes to reduce the deficit. Now the conservative party in France raises taxes to reduce debt. Unfortunately, we don’t have an actual conservative party in this country. Not since the Tea Party ate it.
  6. Columbia fireman faces arson charges ( — Hey, you find that shocking? Once, when I worked at The Jackson (TN) Sun, we were amazed at the great fire pictures we kept getting from a freelance photographer. We attributed it to the fact that he was also a volunteer fireman. Then, he was indicted for also SETTING the fires. Talk about three on a match…

One thought on “Virtual Front Page, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011

  1. bud

    Perry will fade. This is just a bit of a bounce owing to being the new kid in the crowd. Sort of like the most favorite player on the football team is always the backup quarterback. Just watch as his gaffes and over-the-top rhetoric kill his polling numbers. Romney will win the nomination. I guarantee it.


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