And if he’d made a different decision, he’d have been a big, fat jerk. With the emphasis on ‘fat’

Catching up on email, I had to smile at this one from yesterday:

Statement by Gov. Perry Regarding Gov. Christie’s Announcement

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today released the following statement regarding New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s announcement earlier today:

“Chris Christie is a friend, a great governor and rising star in the Republican Party.  I’m sure this was an exciting and stressful process for Chris, Mary Pat and his family, but I know they have a bright, successful future ahead of them. Gov. Christie will be a strong asset for the Republican Party as we work to build a national movement to get America working again, reduce the influence of Washington in our lives, and defeat President Obama next year.”

Somehow, I knew before opening it that it would be laudatory. What made me smile was imagining how it might have read had Christie decided to run.

Of course now, as the AP notes, this puts him in the position to be “a kingmaker.”

So he’s a great guy to know. Really.

3 thoughts on “And if he’d made a different decision, he’d have been a big, fat jerk. With the emphasis on ‘fat’

  1. bud

    Christie’s decision simplifies the oddsmaking. He would have been very formidable and might well have been the favorite early on. I believe he would have faded like so many who enter the race late but who knows, he certainly had tremendous appeal with the power brokers.

    Rick Perry is the gift (to Democrats) that just keeps on giving. With the whole disasterous N-word fiasco following on the heals of the debate meltdowns Perry looks hopelessly out of place anywhere other than Texas.

    Hermain Cain continues to surprise. Don’t see how he can be the nominee but his 6-6-6, I mean 9-9-9 plan seems to resonate.

    Newt may be a legitimate contender again as he quietly scores debating points with the tried and true GOP-esk media bashing.

    Ron Paul is still hanging around with his 8-12% polling numbers. Seems like that’s pretty much a ceiling for him though.

    The others just seem lost. I just don’t quite understand how someone as appealing to the Tea Party, Bachmann, could crash so hard in the polls.

    The current odds as I see it:

    Romney 2-3
    Perry 4-1
    Cain 6-1
    Newt 6-1
    Paul 8-1
    Huntsman 10-1
    Bachmann 15-1
    Santorum 20-1

  2. Doug Ross

    But why would Republicans and Tea Party members vote for Cain, bud? He’s black. That’s the reason they hate Obama. It doesn’t go any deeper than that, from what I’ve heard.

  3. bud

    The same reason they’d vote for a Mormon. The GOP does have an interesting collection of characters this time around. Old, Black, Female, Mormon. Before you know they’ll be a regular melting pot party.


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