ONE Democratic leader backs Tinubu

Harry Ott broke with the establishment pack today:

Columbia, SC – House Minority Leader Harry Ott (D-Calhoun) endorsed Congressional candidate Gloria Bromell Tinubu in the race for South Carolina’s Seventh District on Monday. Tinubu faces Myrtle Beach lawyer Preston Brittain in a runoff on Tuesday.  Ott released the following statement:

“I am proud to announce my support for Gloria Bromell Tinubu in Tuesday’s Democratic runoff.  Mrs. Tinubu won the initial primary with over 52% of the vote and I believe it would be wrong to reverse her victory. The people of the seventh district have spoken, and they have chosen Gloria.”

“It is time for Democrats to come together and rally behind Gloria Tinubu as our nominee.  It is critical to be unified as a party through November and to elect a Democrat who will fight for full employment, improve our public education system, protect medicare and social security, and advocate for investments in highway infrastructure.”


So that’s Harry Ott and the AFL-CIO on one side, and John Spratt, Jim Hodges, Vincent Sheheen and John Land… and I suppose we should include Dick Harpootlian… on the other.

And tomorrow, we’ll see just how much pezzonovante endorsements are worth in the Democratic Party these days.

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