GOP report unusually candid about the party’s problems

When I saw this Tweet this morning, and read the text before seeing whom it was from:



… I immediately thought it was about a new party — because of course neither the Democrats nor the Republicans fit that description.

But it was from the SC GOP, and it was about the report that came out today, in which the national party examines its recent failures and prescribes what it hopes will be a cure.

I had already read a little bit about it earlier in the day, as Chris Moody over at Yahoo had condensed it to a list of 10 things the report says the party needs to do going forward.

The report itself is strikingly candid. I’m not accustomed to seeing political parties be so publicly open about their problems:

The GOP today is a tale of two parties. One of them, the gubernatorial wing, is growing andsuccessful. The other, the federal wing, is increasingly marginalizing itself, and unless changes are made, it will be increasingly diffcult for Republicans to win another presidential election in the near future. Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. States in which our presidential candidates used to win, such as New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, Virginia, and Florida, are increasingly voting Democratic. We are losing in too many places. It has reached the point where in the past six presidential elections, four have gone to the Democratic nominee, at an average yield of 327 electoral votes to 211 for the Republican. During the preceding two decades, from 1968 to 1988, Republicans won five out of six elections, averaging 417 electoral votes to Democrats’ 113.

Public perception of the Party is at record lows. Young voters are increasingly rolling their eyes at what the Party represents, and many minorities wrongly think that Republicans do not like them or want them in the country. When someone rolls their eyes at us, they are not likely to open their ears to us…

That may be the first time in my long career that I’ve seen such an admission from either party. Especially Republicans, who always sound like they think theirs is the best of all possible parties.

Here’s the full report if you want to read it.

5 thoughts on “GOP report unusually candid about the party’s problems

  1. bud

    The GOP is down now but I wouldn’t count them out just yet. Remember 2010? They did pretty well in an off-year election. Some of that success probably had to do with the lower turnout which has long favored the GOP. Still, it seems a little premature to bury the GOP alongside the Whigs, Bull Moose and the Know Nothings. Then again maybe I’m just a pessimist.

    1. Juan Caruso

      The true purpose of this pitiful drama is to head off the inevitable entry of a more conservative party. The only way a Republichan team candidate could win in 2016 would be by an unsavory arrangement with their league opponent, the Democratichs to attain mutual goals faster without appearing entirely culpable.

      Not all conservatives can be continually deceived by the amateurish racketeering and skillful corruption of the current league commissioner — K Street.

  2. Silence

    Considering that the fix was in during the last election, they did pretty well. What are the chances that the Dems will be able to come up with another “Messiah”? I don’t see another one on the horizon any time soon.


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