Did y’all get this in the mail, too?

My reaction of course is, Well, let’s certainly hope it would be my man Joe’s “ticket to another four years.”

Of course, I fervently hope we’ll have the same result even if any of these jokers — the ones having a “debate” tonight — turns out to be the nominee.

Obviously, that’s not what Americans for Prosperity — that’s the Koch brothers’ group — is hoping. They want one of those other Republicans to be nominated, and then beat Joe! (Shudder.)

I’m just curious about who got it, and who didn’t. I probably got it because, living in Lexington County — where the GOP nominee always gets elected — I’ve voted in quite a few GOP primaries. Or maybe it’s just that this is Lexington County. Or maybe, with all that Koch money to spend, everybody got it.

So… who got it, and who didn’t?


23 thoughts on “Did y’all get this in the mail, too?

  1. Dave Crockett

    Yup, we got one, too. I didn’t know the Republican PAC paying for it, yawned and tossed into the trash.

  2. Barry

    I think I received it- but I am not sure

    1) I never read political flyers or mailers. I mean I might see a picture on them but I purposefully do not read them at all.

    2) I wrote “Return to Sender” on them in bold Sharpie markings and drop them off at the post office when I accumulate a handful. The post office can destroy them or send them back to the return address.

    3) Earlier this year, I received a large number of DeSantis mailers. Never read them but saw his picture on them. I did take a number of those and included them in a self addressed return envelope that was included in one of them and mailed them back – they paid the postage- and I provided a very nice and friendly “shove it where the son don’t shine and quit sending me these lies” handwritten note.

    4) I always video and photo any such return mail- with video of me sealing the envelope so that no one at a lying politician’s campaign arm can change or add to what I write and then accuse me of writing any threats.

    I don’t trust any campaign worker for a lying politician not to lie about something so I protect myself.

  3. bud

    It’s true that interest rates are higher than they’ve been in a long time. I’m sure Doug framed this as a genuinely awful development. Not so fast. First, high interest rates are not entirely a bad thing. If you have money to invest in a savings account isn’t 5% a whole lot better for accumulating wealth than 0.5% ? Second, historically 7% is not really that high for a 30 year mortgage. Heck back in the 80s rates got as high as 18%. So let’s keep things in perspective. The naysayers will never give Biden credit. But any intellectually honest assessment would conclude things are pretty good right now.

    1. Barry

      one of my adult children just moved several grand of his money into a CD paying over 5%. He is EXTREMELY thrifty too.

      he is pretty happy with the interest rates right now.

    2. Doug Ross

      So if 7% mortgage rates are good in your opinion, would you be okay if they went to 10%? Is there a number where you would say it’s not a good thing?

    3. Doug Ross

      The average home price in the U.S. at the end of 2020 was 359,000 and the interest rate on a 30 year mortgage was 2.66%. A mortgage with a 20% down payment would cost $1210 a month. Remember who was president then?

      Today, the average home price is 416,000 and the mortgage rate is 7.23%. That means a home buyer would have to put down an additional 12,000 to meet a 20% down payment. And the monthly mortgage would be $2213 per month.

      Everything’s fine!!!

      1. Brad Warthen Post author

        Try 19 percent, the way we had in the early ’80s. “Remember who was president then?” I’m just echoing you; personally I would never ask a question like that, since the two things have little to do with each other.

        These kids today, they complain about the least little thing…

      2. bud

        There are two sides to this analogy. If you bought the house in 2020 for 359k you stand to get a 57k profit in just 3 short years. This can be used to purchase a CD that will return a decent rate of return. The bank likewise will have a nice mortgage asset that will earn 7% instead of a paltry 2.66%. That extra earnings will result in a more profitable entity over a period of time that can boost profits or dividends for its owners and allow for wage increases. This will in turn generate spending in the community that will further boost the financial health of the community. There are winners and losers for sure. But both sides of the story must be considered.

        1. Doug Ross

          Um, bud, where are you going to live when you sell your house and reap the profit? In a box by the side of the road? If you move to an apartment, you’ll find rental rates have skyrocketed in the past few years… if you move into a new house, you’d have to downsize to a smaller home to get the same payment you had before. The only way your scenario works is if housing prices and interest rates remain the same. Is it that difficult to comprehend?

          I have a house that has probably appreciated 100K in 8 years. I have a mortgage rate of 2.2% because I refinanced at the bottom rate a couple years ago. I would be CRAZY to sell my home now.

          It is baffling how ignorant some people can be when it comes to finances.

          1. Brad Warthen Post author

            Could have done without that last line — it does violate my civility standards, but I’m allowing it so I can say…

            However ignorant you think Bud is on this subject, I’m sure I can exceed him on that point.

            Not that I can’t understand finances; I just don’t want to. That would require thinking about the subject, and I would bitterly regret every second of my life I wasted doing that.

            I’m still making my way slowly (I spent a lot of my reading time reading other things) through Theodore Rex, and very much enjoying it. And of course, very much liking Teddy. If we MUST have these GOP debates, why must it be with these people? Let’s have some Republicans like him, or James Garfield? (I know the answer, of course. We had wonderful candidate back then because we didn’t make them go through stupid crap like these “debates.”)

            Anyway, one of the things I enjoy about TR is that he had the same attitude I do about finance. Hated it. Bored him to death.

            Of course, Teddy was born rich, which makes it easier to have that attitude.

            I just came by in naturally. I’ve probably mentioned this a few times, but I would like to be rich mainly for one reason — so I would never have to think about money again. Like TR… He would have agreed with me that the world is filled with too many wonderful, fascinating things to waste time on that…

          2. bud

            I have a house that has probably appreciated 100K in 8 years. I have a mortgage rate of 2.2% because I refinanced at the bottom rate a couple years ago.
            I understand finances just fine. Doug you are the absolute king of the people who do very well but find a way to bitch and moan and whine and play the victim card ad-nauseam. Your wealth has increased 100K. Wah, Wah, Wah! You could move to a smaller house and probably pay cash, invest the profits and live large. Or, you can stay where you are and enjoy the appreciation on your home. You win either way so why are you complaining? (Whining really). You’re locked into this obsolete paradigm that refuses to acknowledge ALL sides of an issue. You pick the side that gives you the best opportunity to play the contrarian jerk. Many older people have moved most of their money to a safe, but low yield safe assets. Those pay a bit more now. Sure new home owners pay a bit more. But most everyone else does just fine.

      3. Barry

        The lack of affordable homes for young professionals and “starter home” folks only got MUCH worse under Trump.

        I know some look fondly at the Trump years- but it’s clear they view all of that through their own biased eyes.

        1. Doug Ross

          If you live in the Midlands there have literally been thousands of new homes built during Trump’s term. My neighborhood doubled in size. It’s mostly black homeowners living the American dream

          1. Barry

            The number of active listings for “starter homes” in the United States fell from around 650,000 units in 2017 to 310,000 by the end of the Trump administration. This article discuss the lack of starter homes


            This article from The Greenville News from 2018 (Trump years) that the rising home prices were leaving behind young people, young professionals, young families. It quotes a Simpsonville Realtor who speaks to that very issue.

            My post above stated “The lack of affordable homes for young professionals and “starter home” folks only got MUCH worse under Trump.”

            The link I provided proves that correct.

            You responded to my post “If you live in the Midlands there have literally been thousands of new homes built during Trump’s term.”

            I had to check to make sure you did respond to my post because I clearly said nothing about the amount of homes. That’s not the issue or the point.

            I clearly stated and specific “starter homes.”

            The neighborhood behind my neighborhood has tripled in size over the past 5 years. None of them are starter homes that young people can afford. The average price in the neighborhood behind mine is $389,000. I do not live around Lake Murray or in Forest Acres. I don’t live in Richland or Lexington. I live in a rural county.

            Our county council has been discussing this issue for years now.

            Articles discussing the lack of affordable “starter homes” for young people, young couples, young professionals




          2. Barry

            The title of the July/August 2019 issue of REALTOR Magazine? ” Not Enough Homes”

            2019 was firmly in the Trump administration.

            Title of REALTOR.COM article from January 22, 2020 –

            There’s a shortage of new homes in the US: Realtor.com

            You can find this article on Yahoo.

  4. bud

    First impression debate ranking:

    1. Haley
    2. Pence
    3. Christie
    4. Burgum
    5. Hutchinson
    6. Scott
    7. DeSantis
    8. Ramaswamey (last by a wide margin. He was just ghastly awful. Even for a Republican)

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      Hey, I’ll go ahead and approve this here, but then link to it when I get around to writing about the “debate.”

      Which I plan to do, but I’m super-busy this morning…


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