On my previous post about space travel and 3D printers, mention was made of the Star Trek “food replicator.”
But I seemed to recall that sci-fi had imagined this device much earlier than that.
Indeed, in the 1956 classic “Forbidden Planet,” starring Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, and Leslie Nielsen, there is a robot that has a sort of miniature 3D food printer built into its torso.
I couldn’t find a clip showing that from the actual film, but I did find this promotional short in which the robot explains how it is able to replicate food of any kind, in any amount. All that is needed is a small sample of the food — which I suppose makes it more of a 3D food copier than printer.
But whatever. I thought I’d share it. Also, I refer you to a story Burl brought to our attention, about how a 3D printer saved a baby’s life.
This is just astounding technology…

Robbie the Robot, a pre-comedy Leslie Nielsen, and pre-“Honey West” Anne Francis (who showed her gams a LOT in this one).
I wonder if your many food allergies have led to this fascination with food facsimiles?
It’s not the fact that it’s food — it’s the idea of being able to “print” a reproduction of complex matter so that it not just LOOKS like the thing being copied, it WORKS like that thing.
That’s astounding. It’s like magic…
The low-end 3D printers use strings of vinyl as source material and micro-laser plotters to fuse the material. Basically, I think all you’d have to do is create an edible polymer. Maybe out of Cheese Whiz.
i think there are edible polymers. The artificial dog chews come to mind…..not that I’d want to eat them….made out of corn starch, though, so Brad couldn’t eat it…..sorry.
maybe gelatin?
As long as they don’t call it Soylent Green.