Bryan Caskey’s highly successful Walk for Life email: ‘Cancer: Are You For It or Against It?’

If you’ve been following the comments on this earlier post, you know that Bryan Caskey has now joined Doug Ross in raising more than $1,000 each for our Walk for Life team. Bryan is now in the top five among all individual fund-raisers for Walk for Life (look at the right-hand side of this page to see his name).

I asked Bryan how he did it, and he said he just “sent an e-mail out to a bunch of my other youngish-age (20-40) friends around Columbia. The group is mostly lawyers. (Don’t tell Juan!).” Here’s the email:

Cancer: Are You For It or Against It?

Hey! Stop what you’re doing, and pay attention for a second. It involves boobs.


Got your attention? Good.


On Saturday, October 5 (before the tailgating begins for the UK/USC game) I will be walking in the Columbia Walk for Life/Race for Life. Unless you’ve been living on the moon for the last decade, you know this is a big fundraiser to fight breast cancer. The reason I am sending you this e-mail is simple: I’m shaking you down for money. If you’re getting this e-mail, I know you have at least $25.00, and I hope you aren’t in favor of breast cancer.


We all know that breast cancer can be effectively and significantly reduced by early detection and treatment. That’s why I need your support. And by support, I mean money.


For the gentlemen who receive this e-mail, let’s take a little time to worry more about the health of women’s breasts, rather than their size. I’m challenging you to do more for breast cancer awareness than simply saying you’ve been aware of breasts for quite some time. I’m not guaranteeing you that donating will help you with the ladies, but it certainly won’t hurt. Don’t let cancer get to second base.


For the women who receive this e-mail, I don’t need to tell you anything. You know what’s up.


It’s an easy decision: You’re either for cancer, or you’re against it. Which is it?


The only way I will know that you’re against cancer is if you donate money. I’m taking care of the walking part, so you just need to take care of the donating part. I’ve donated $25.00, and I’m sending you this e-mail to ask that you do the same.


Follow This Link <>  to visit my the web page and help me in my efforts to support Palmetto Health Foundation. You click the link, put your information in, and boom! You’ve declared your allegiance in the war on breast cancer.


This is the preliminary shake-down e-mail. Future communications will consist of the following in ascending order until you donate:


1.      Another e-mail, but this time IN ALL CAPS.

2.      A text message.

3.      A telephone call (You don’t want me to actually do this, do you?)

4.      I will show up at your house at 7:00AM

5.      I will send a tough guy named “Luca” to your house at 7:00AM the following day. (You don’t want to meet Luca, because hereally hates cancer, and he’ll assume that you’re in favor of cancer).


Don’t let Cancer steal second base!


second base


P.S. More details below:


This year’s Walk for Life/Race for Life will be held Saturday, Oct. 5 in Finlay Park, Columbia, SC. The Walk/5K Race will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the 10K Race will begin at 8:15 a.m. It is with great enthusiasm that I will be participating in this year’s Walk/Race. I’m walking. Please consider sponsoring me with a donation so that Palmetto Health Breast Center can continue to save lives and raise awareness about early detection. To make a donation, visit the link at the bottom of the page.

Please consider making a donation today. No amount is too small, and whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.







Bryan D. Caskey

Go, all of ye, and do likewise…

10 thoughts on “Bryan Caskey’s highly successful Walk for Life email: ‘Cancer: Are You For It or Against It?’

  1. Doug Ross

    Well done, Bryan.

    I haven’t gone for the tough guy approach – YET. All I did was offer to do anything depending on the size of the donations. Wearing this hat will get me $100.

    Wearing a Notre Dame t-shirt will get me another $100.

    Old friend Randy Ewart offered $25 if I would wear an Obama shirt but he was outbid. Surprisingly, the donations to PREVENT me from wearing a Speedo are winning over those in favor.

    For me, it’s personal this year. My wife’s middle sister died of breast cancer in 2001. Her older sister was diagnosed this summer and had a double mastectomy. If me wearing a hat reduces my wife’s risk by even 0.000001%, I will wear the hat.


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