Your Virtual Front Page, Monday, February 17, 2014

It’s a slow news day, so it’s tough to come up with a whole (virtual) page of worthy items (how boring is it? the WSJ is leading with the Libor probe), but I haven’t given y’all anything all day, so here you go:

  1. U.N.: North Korean abuses ‘unparalleled’ (The Guardian) — The human rights report says North Korea is “committing systematic and appalling human rights abuses against its own citizens on a scale unparalleled in the modern world, crimes against humanity with strong resemblances to those committed by the Nazis.” So, pretty harsh.
  2. The hijacker was (allegedly) the co-pilot (BBC) — You know, I don’t think arming the crew would have helped on this one.
  3. Richland robber attacks pregnant woman with Mace, steals purse ( — Yeah, I realize this is a relatively minor crime, but come on, man — Mace, on a pregnant woman? That should definitely count as an aggravating circumstance.
  4. Think pieces about the GOP (NYT, WashPost) — Both of these venerable papers are leading with thumb-suckers about what the Republicans are up to. Here’s the NYT version, and here’s the one from the Post. Personally, I was most interested in George Will’s column late last week about why the GOP is ditching immigration reform — because apparently the party doesn’t think it has enough time on its busy Obamacare-hating schedule. It’s like it can’t chew gum and reform immigration at the same time.
  5. There was a reason ABBA dressed like that (The Guardian) — Apparently, the pop quartet wore those ridiculous costumes for tax reasons. I told you it was a slow news day.
  6. U.S. wins first ice dance title — ever (WashPost) — No I mean, really, really slow…

I would have included something about the spat on Columbia City Council over hiring a new police chief, but that was in the paper this morning, and that just made it too old.

7 thoughts on “Your Virtual Front Page, Monday, February 17, 2014

  1. Kathryn Fenner

    How about there is a significant movement to scrap the police chief search and/or the city manager? The work session tomorrow at 2 should be newsworthy

    1. Mark Stewart

      I’m so confused. Isn’t this the benefit of having a professional city manager? Is the solution to pile on the council members and “the citizen community” – who under this structure should have nothing to say about the hiring process?

      1. Kathryn Fenner

        I think the city manager, who runs the city operations well, has become entangled in policy issues and personal grudges that are adversely impacting her appropriateness, if you will, as city manager. I think she is running counter to council, and exercising her prerogative to hire the chief capriciously based on an irrational dislike of Santiago. He is better qualified than three of the finalists, inasmuch as he will not need to go to the academy before serving, for one thing!
        The city manager serves at the pleasure of council. She is displeasing them…


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