Courson, McElveen to host conservation confab

This came in today from the CVSC. I pass it on in case any of you would like to attend:

Conservation Voters:

Let’s get to work! The legislative session starts today and we are ready.

We hope you will join us for the Senate Briefing: Conversations with Conservationists on January 21st at 10:00 am in Room 105 of the Gressette Building. Hosted by Senators Courson and McElveen, this is an opportunity for members and supporters of SC Conservation Coalition to share their legislative priorities with decision makers.

Your presence makes our voice stronger so please join us for the Briefing and for an informal lunch afterwards at 701 Whaley.  You can let us know if you plan to attend: [email protected] or on Facebook.

Something like this also helps explain, for those confused, why all those Democrats in Shandon keep voting for John Courson…

One thought on “Courson, McElveen to host conservation confab

  1. Brad Warthen Post author

    Meanwhile, in other Statehouse advocacy news:


    The Governor’s Executive Budget flat funds the South Carolina Arts Commission for FY 2015-2016. Learn about how you can support the
    South Carolina Arts Commission’s budget request for an additional
    $1 million for arts education grants — to expand the work of the
    Arts in Basic Curriculum Project — as we work to ensure that
    South Carolina students have the opportunity to learn, create, and grow in and through the arts — during the school day, after-school
    and through the summer months!

    Rally with Arts Advocates in the Statehouse Lobby by 11:30 AM
    Observe the General Assembly from the House & Senate Galleries

    Join your Legislators at the

    In Honor of the S.C. Legislative Arts Caucus
    Capital City Club, 1201 Main Street, 25th Floor
    In the Capital Center Building Across from the Statehouse
    1:00 – 2:30 PM

    House Arts Caucus Co-chairs – Representative Rita Allison and
    Representative Leon Stavrinakis & Senate Arts Caucus Co-chairs –
    Senator Wes Hayes and Senator Vincent Sheheen
    State Superintendent-Elect MOLLY SPEARMAN

    Featuring a Performance by the A.C. Moore Bobcat Singers
    Richland One School District, Columbia

    Luncheon Reservations are $40 Per Person
    Become an Underwriter of the Event for $70 which Includes
    A Legislator’s Lunch & Your Own!
    Underwrite Any Additional Legislator’s Lunch for Just $30
    Special Student Luncheon Rate is $25

    Want to know MORE about SC Arts Advocacy Day? Click HERE to learn “what to expect” at the Statehouse and at the Legislative Appreciation Luncheon!

    Register on-line HERE where you can select your form of payment or
    HERE for a downloadable form you can mail, email or fax to the SCAA.
    Please contact [email protected] for additional information.
    Reservation deadline is Saturday, January 31st with no refunds after that date!
    Lots more information to come!

    Make that New Year’s Resolution Happen Today!
    Please take the time now to support the important work of the South Carolina arts Alliance as the only statewide advocacy organization that advocates for ALL the ARTS and we have a proven record of success!
    Just go to: and click the “Donate” button. You can pay on line at our secure web form or use it to indicate other forms of payment. Your contribution is 100% tax deductible.

    Thank YOU for your support and Happy New Year!


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