Some possible topics. Feel free to add your own…
- Anybody have anything to say about Tax Day? — I certainly don’t, but I thought I’d ask.
- Japan Tops China as Largest U.S. Bondholder — Hmmm. I wonder if this has anything to do with the major financial transaction I pulled off recently in Japan. Probably not… In any case, what does it really all mean? That we’ll start resenting the Japanese more than the Chinese?
- EU accuses Google Shopping of search ‘abuse’ — Why do these furriners kept pestering our mega-corporations?
- David Chase explains ‘Sopranos’ ending — again. Can we stop asking him about it now? — Hey, it’s more interesting than international financial news, right?
- This CEO raised all his employees’ salaries to at least $70,000 by cutting his own — I’d like to work for THAT guy — but I don’t want to move to Seattle
- Hey, that’s my granddaughter at — For several days now, a photo of my eldest granddaughter — she’s 18 now — has been on The State‘s main page, under “Top Photos.” That’s her on the far right, Jennifer Garner on the far left. If you click on it, it doesn’t have my granddaughter’s name. It says “Tiffany Jaspers” instead. My granddaughter took her place at the last moment — and then was honored as the top model of the night! She’s a dancer, and has a LOT of stage presence.
Re :#1
“You’re welcome”
Flags were at half-staff today, or for you Navy folks, half-mast. I didn’t know why until I Googled it. Any guesses?
President Lincoln would be my guess. He died 150 years ago this morning. I’ve been reading about it all week…
Outrage of the week. No vote YET for Eric Holder’s replacement. Loretta Lynch is by virtually everyone’s analysis a well qualified woman for the job. Yet she doesn’t get a straight up or down vote? Shame on the Republicans.
McConnell wants a vote on something else first; Democrats are refusing. Oh well, maybe you guys shouldn’t have lost control of the Senate. It’s not personal, it’s strictly business.
Or is it? 🙂
Neither Japan nor China is our biggest debt holder. We are. The Social Security Administration carries about 15% of the debt. Other federal agencies and the Federal Reserve hold about 25%. Foreign countries own about 35% of our debt. Japan/China are the largest foreign holders of our debt.
This is unrelated to anything, but this being an Open Thread…
Just heard an “early version” of Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May” on Pandora. A sample of the lyrics:
Wow. That one REALLY benefited from a little further work.
Further proof that everybody needs an editor…
Haven’t posted in a long time for reasons noted earlier. Did post about the end of Justified. I do have one more thing to express my humble opinion about and that would be the conditions of the roads in SC and the political games being played with something so vital to the economic health of the state.
Why Haley is even trying to tie anything to the 10 cent increase in gasoline tax over a 3 year period so our roads can be brought into the 21st century is beyond me. There should be no offset tax ctions at any level, the gas tax should be a stand alone tax earmarked specifically for improving, repairing, and building new roads for South Carolina. Recently, due to his failing health, I have been driving to NC on a regular basis to see my older brother. The poor conditions prevalent in our road system are shameful and embarassing. Interstate, main, and secondary roads are in such poor condition except for a few select locations, I do anything necessary to avoid them.
This is no longer political, it is a display of ignorance and extreme stupidity on the part of Haley and anyone who supports her so-called compromise. Come on, standing before a microphone and touting her support and role in bringing in new industry and at the same time making it almost impossible to even make minimal improvements in the one thing that is so critical to attracting quality industry?
No, I am not a tax and spend proponent unless the taxes are beneficial to all and a good road system provides the basic means to successfully and economically transport goods to outlets and manufacturers that provide employement to citizens of the state. This is truly one of the examples of effective spending that lifts all boats, not just the select few. How the heck can we expect to compete when the tools to compete are limited to sometimes outrageous concessions to prospective businesses locating to SC?
Everyone have a great weekend!!
I’m with you, Bart.
Sorry for the typos. In a hurry and breaking in a new keyboard.