The Walk starts and ends at the Fireflies’ ballpark.
Yes, it’s entirely my fault that I waited until the last minute to register the team for Walk for Life, which is happening Saturday.
So late that we’ve only got a day or two left before the cutoff to join the team — to be exact, the deadline is at noon on Wednesday. So that’s, um… just under 49 hours as I type this. (For you non-numbers people, that means it’s just past 11 a.m. on Monday.)
So if you want to help fight breast cancer in the Midlands, this would be an excellent time to step up and join the team. Or join some other team. Or, if you can’t walk, just kick in a contribution.
Do you prefer a button to click on? OK, here you go:
I realize that at this late date I can’t hope for much, but I still hope at least a couple of you can come out and walk. Or give.
Because the cause is a good one — none better…
I’ll be out of town this weekend, but I’ll put some money in the hat.
Thank you!
And please note, y’all, that I got that contribution without having to say a lot of really stupid stuff, unlike that Marsha Blackburn person…