I loved this tweet from Tim Ervolina:
“The Only Thing Better Than Dostoevsky is Pumpkin Spice Dostoevsky” https://t.co/12dFhJ593a
— Tim Ervolina (@timervolina) October 25, 2017
Truth be told, if you follow the link, the joke becomes extremely silly to the point of being unfunny almost right away. I mean, it’s not a deep joke to start with. That, after all, is the point — something as profound as Dostoevsky being paired with something as superficial as…
Well, never mind. I just enjoyed the tweet…
On the other hand, Jack in the Box has reprised the Pumpkin Spice shake after a five year absence.
Dostoevsky can be a bit hard to digest. I prefer Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Pumpkin Spice.