How’s Election Day going (if you’re having one)?

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2014 file photo

Joe Azar sent this out a few minutes ago:

Voting is today for city council. If you do not vote, you can complain all you want about city government, but nothing changes. I am challenging a 4 term incumbent, and it is time for change. Please go vote for Joseph Azar.

Polls are open a few more hours, until 7p.m.

Oh, yeah! I’m not voting today, but other people are. I have a separate notification from the SC Democratic Party that notes there are elections in 123 municipalities in our state, plus a special election down in Charleston.

And POTUS started the day throwing his weight around in a gubernatorial election in Virginia, where an erstwhile establishment Republican is trying to win using Trump/Bannon tactics. For instance, he’s campaigning against “sanctuary cities” even though Virginia has no sanctuary cities. Poor Virginia! Aren’t you glad we don’t have nonsense like that down here? Oh, wait…

So… have you voted? Are you going to vote? How’s the turnout (I sort of think I know, but let’s see if I’m right)?

Or would you just like to comment on what’s going on out there? If so, here’s your chance…

5 thoughts on “How’s Election Day going (if you’re having one)?

  1. Brad Warthen Post author


    In the Columbia city council election I sense… ennui.

    Above you see a picture of the crowd when I moderated a city council candidates’ debate back in 2015. Below you see the turnout at the one I moderated last week at the same venue.

    There seems to be a slackening in enthusiasm this time.

    Let me know if my sense of this is wrong. After all, what do I know? I live across the river…

    2017 debate

  2. Richard

    Citizens of Columbia have learned that there’s a time to just give up, that no matter how you vote things likely won’t change. I expect both incumbents to keep their seats.

    1. Richard

      And even though nobody got to see my prediction, I was 2 for 2 in the Columbia City Council races. Surprise, surprise, surprise… at least 2% of the eligible voters bothered to show up…. or in other words 98% decided it wasn’t worth their time.

  3. Scout

    I voted today for my West Columbia city council Rep. Kinda slow at my polling place when I got there around 6:30. I think I saw some of the candidates huddled under an eave in the rain as I went in.


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