Speaking of “intellectually-bankrupt campaign materials,” this is the first thing you see at the McMaster for Governor site.
This bit of nonsense just sort of floored me last night:
South Carolina is one step closer to banning Sanctuary Cities and standing tall for the Rule of Law! Tonight our bill received key approval from House Judiciary Committee (1/)
— Henry McMaster (@henrymcmaster) March 20, 2018
I responded thusly:
A reminder, once again, to anyone living in a reality-based universe: There are NO sanctuary cities in SC. Henry’s like a guy standing on the corner of Assembly & Gervais, snapping his fingers and claiming it’s keeping the elephants away… https://t.co/r29zEWnwbU
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) March 21, 2018
I mean, come on, people — who can possibly take seriously, for even a second, the governor of South Carolina celebrating his great “victory” (or initial step toward victory) over a completely imaginary foe?
“What’s next?” my own representative, Republican Micah Caskey, asked. “Are we going to require cities to certify that they didn’t rob a bank?”
He added: “There is no one, other than politicians, who have suggested this is something we actually need and should waste our time on.”
And I would add, only a certain kind of condescending, pandering politician, completely lacking in shame.
This morning, Micah added this via Twitter: “Sanctuary cities are already illegal in South Carolina. (See SC Code Ann. 17-13-170 and 23-3-1100.) The governor should read more of our laws already on the books and less of his intellectually-bankrupt campaign materials.”
Amen to that. And I suppose he meant this sort of campaign material…
And this guy had the chutzpah to accuse high school students who were protesting over an actual threat of engaging in a political stunt. Hypocrisy, thy name is Henry McMaster.