





  1. Sally

    Wonder how the RC bishops feel now? Should be shame, but it’s very apparent that self interest trumps all (pun intended).

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      Ah, but a concession would require grace, would it not? Let’s just be satisfied with his pending absence…

      Speaking of hoping to see a little grace, I posted this earlier today:

      That was almost three hours ago. Still waiting…

      Mind you, I’m asking for grace from the man whose actions over the past four years dishonored the memory of another friend, who conceded this way:

  2. Brad Warthen Post author

    I just hope the president appreciates my diligent efforts today to set the fake news straight:

  3. bud

    Let’s not forget about our new, inspirational VP. I hope she’s able to temper some of Biden’s worst instincts.

    1. Randle

      She was a great running mate. So many women, young and old, spoke in interviews today of how important her presence on the ticket was. I have read she really helped with turnout. They are a good team. I hope she starts spending time in Georgia.

    2. Mark Stewart

      Bud, know that we have a new bottom to compare people to with Trump, could we please start saying things like “Biden’s lesser instincts” or something instead? This whole Bush 43, etc tale of horrors just isn’t factual. I get that you like Bernie, that’s fine. But Bernie isn’t out there with his flamethrower wide open.

      Let’s try to reserve the outrage for real outrages. I’ll sign up for that, too.

      1. Brad Warthen Post author

        Mark, I appreciate you trying to be conciliatory, and it’s certainly better than what Bud says, but I have to say that in all the years I have observed him, I haven’t seen any “lesser instincts” in Joe Biden, either.

        Now is a time for celebration, a time for joy. We’re going to have a good man as our president again. We’ve had the absolute opposite for four years. This is a great day…

  4. Brad Warthen Post author

    I want to make sure that our own “Scout” doesn’t miss this:

  5. Phillip

    Good speech last night. Biden may not be able to accomplish much legislatively, but the tone coming from the White House will be a lot less divisive than what we’ve gotten the last 4 years. Particularly gratified to hear Biden & Harris both mention the word “climate” in their speeches last night also.

    While many Trump supporters seem to continue in their state of delusion about the result, I’m glad to see that the protests have not gotten violent. News accounts of armed Trumpists, including the Proud Boys and other far-right Profa militias, make me a little worried, but thankfully Trump just seems interested in pouting & pursuing legal (if fruitless) challenges rather than calling upon his supporters to “take back” the country. Let’s hope for the best.

    BTW, I still think there’s a chance Trump resigns between now and January 20 and then has Pence pardon him.

    1. James Edward Cross

      Nah. Trump thinks of himself as a dealmaker. He’ll try to leverage the lawsuits, a potentially compliant Supreme Court, and the potential violence of his more ardent followers into a deal that lets him off the hook and makes it look like he’s doing it for the “good of the country.” This way, he might be able to wiggle out of any state charges if the Feds put some pressure on NY, etc. Resigning and getting a pardon from Pence makes him look like a loser and doesn’t help him with the state charges. He’ll do as much damage on the way out as he can and pardon anyone he thinks could testify against him (the rest can go hang).

      Of course, the Biden Administration will want to “unite the country” so those in the former Trump Administration will get off anyway. The sentiment is laudable but sometimes there need to be consequences beyond the loss of an election or a political job that they’ll parlay into a cushy lobbying position. All it will do is solidify in the minds of many that there is a law for the rich and powerful and then one for everyone else.

      1. James Edward Cross

        This goes beyond just Trump. It is the members of his administration who not only aided and abetted him but conducted there own illegal actions. Now some were merely venial, weak-willed, foolish, or incompetent and none of that is against the law. Some were corrupt, but one can tolerate a certain level of that in politics. I would never think it advisable to turn it into a witchhunt of people who worked for that administration.

        But some *do* need to be brought to account. Otherwise “rule of law” is just an empty phrase. What is needed is the proper balance between “bringing the country together” and holding people accountable. Otherwise future officials will continue to break laws because they know they can get awary with it if it is divisive enough.

    2. Brad Warthen Post author

      Fellas, I don’t care what happens with Trump, as long as he is gone.

      At this level, the interest of the country overrides other considerations. It is so profoundly important, for the sake of the country, that Trump no longer be president of the United States, that other considerations seem petty in comparison.

      I don’t care whether he’s in a prison cell or a lavish apartment in one of his tacky properties. All I care about is that he’s not in the White House. We need that back, as soon as possible. Then, let him go on his way…

      1. Ken

        ” I don’t care what happens with Trump, as long as he is gone.”

        This is the flip side of the view that all that’s needed is for “Joe to be Joe.” That he doesn’t actually have to accomplish much during the next 4 years. Simply NOT being Trump is enough.


        Getting Trump out is a necessary but insufficient step. It puts an end to the political thuggery coming from the highest office in the land. But in and of itself it does nothing to address the underlying problems that helped put that kind of thuggery into vogue and into office. Joe just being Joe won’t do the trick. And conceivable may merely set the stage for a more cunning form of Trumpism to win in the years to come.

        1. bud

          Ken, you are 100% correct. It’s the same as the pedophile priests who were passed from church to church without being called to justice. If Trump is guilty of crimes he must be prosecuted.

      2. Ken

        “The staying power of his destructiveness lies in the way [the] disputed defeat suits him almost as much as victory. It vindicates the self-pity that he has encouraged among his supporters, the belief that everything is rigged against them, that the world is a plot to steal from them their natural due as Americans.
        If Trump is eventually removed from the Oval Office, the study of revenge and immortal hate, not sober self-criticism, will be the response in Trumpworld. There will be no chastening, just a further injection of resentment and conspiracy-mongering.
        [T]he Trump presidency has been no nightmare. It has been daylight delinquency, its transgressions of democratic values on lurid display in all their corruption and cruelty and deadly incompetence. There may be much we do not yet know, but what is known (and in most cases openly flaunted) is more than enough: the Mueller report, the Ukraine scandal, the flagrant self-dealing, the tax evasion, the children stolen from their parents, the encouragement of neo-Nazis, Trump’s admission that he deliberately played down the seriousness of the coronavirus. There can be no awakening because the Republicans did not sleep through all of this. They saw it all and let it happen. In electoral terms, moreover, it turns out that they were broadly right. There was no revulsion among the party base. The faithful not only witnessed his behavior, they heard Trump say, repeatedly, that he would not accept the result of the vote. They embraced that authoritarianism with renewed enthusiasm. The assault on democracy now has a genuine, highly engaged, democratic movement behind it.”
        – Fintan O’Toole

  6. Carol Smith

    So happy!! Last night was a glorious feel-good moment after 4 years of disgust!! And my granddaughter who is only 7 was so excited that she can be President some day!! A happy day indeed! The glass floor has been broken and we have decency coming to the White House!!

    1. Barry

      “ Trump campaign aides manning the “voter fraud hotline” describe mostly fielding prank calls from lefty teenagers and dealing with some disturbing unsolicited adult images.”

        1. Randle

          Are you still waiting for Lindsey Graham to respond? Do you think the president fired Espy so he couldn’t resign or as a step toward staying in power?
          I would like a moment’s peace.

          1. Brad Warthen Post author

            Oh, yeah. I’m still waiting. That’s fine, I’ve got all the time in the world, now that I know Joe has won.

            Here’s something else I posted about Lindsey this afternoon…

            1. Barry

              I use to think Lindsey respected John McCain.

              A friend always insisted, knowing Lindsey a little bit, that it had ALWAYS been a big act, a convenience for him. I never saw it that way

              I do now.

              1. Mark Stewart

                Lindsey is an albatross it appears for SC. I guess he gravitated to Trump when his flip flops and hypocrisy exceeded anyone else’s and he had no one left to latch onto.

                I’m really disgusted that we have six more years of his rot to endure. The ones who could have voted him out were his long-time evangelical opponents, but they rolled with his latest SCOTUS hypocrisy. It will probably only take a couple of years for them to realize that was short-sighted, even from their perspective. But the damage is done. Now, I am just waiting for him to oppose his own immigration plan early next year…

                1. Bob Amundson

                  If you can stomach it, read Mark Leibovich’s interview for The New York Times Magazine. “From my point of view,” Graham tells Leibovich, “if you know anything about me, it’d be odd not to do this.” Asked what “this” refers to, Graham responds bluntly: “try to be relevant.”

                  Even if you have to make a deal with the devil. Disgusting …

                2. Barry

                  I have a sense that Lindsey is a deeply unhappy person, at a personal level. It he,ps explain the incredible changes. So does this “need to be relevant.”

                  Again, considering his friendship with McCain was just a gimmick all those years, it made him incredibly relevant, as he said in the article you mentioned.

                  As I have said, I know someone that knows Lindsey a little and he always told me his deal with John McCain was just a game he played.

                  When John died, Lindsey couldn’t use him anymore. He had to develop a new scheme.

                  I saw Cindy McCain interviewed yesterday. The interviewer mentioned Lindsey. She didn’t say anything about him. I suspect the family now knows Lindsey used them.

                  1. Brad Warthen Post author

                    “I have a sense that Lindsey is a deeply unhappy person…”

                    That’s one way of putting it. I think he WOULD have been deeply, profoundly unhappy if he had lost last week. And while I would have been very happy at Jaime’s victory, I would have felt sorry for Lindsey. He has nothing in his life but being a senator.

                    But since he WON, I don’t know how to explain his insane behavior. Maybe the strain of having such a tough race caused something in him to snap…

                    1. Brad Warthen Post author

                      The more I think of it…

                      I think here’s what has happened.

                      Lindsey threw away everything that had made him worthy of respect, all based on a calculation that he had to kowtow to the Trump base, or lose his seat (most likely to a Trumpist primary challenger).

                      That lost him the support of every Democrat and every independent who had ever voted for him.

                      But it paid off in the end. He won, despite all the predictions that he might not.

                      So now, he’s doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on being Trump’s most shamelessly loyal boy. Trump may be out, but bowing down before him works for Lindsey, and he’s just going to get louder about it. All the people who might object voted against him anyway, and he won.

                      So for him, there’s no going back…

              2. Doug Ross

                “He won, despite all the predictions that he might not.”

                Polls paid for by campaigns aren’t predictions. It was never close especially when Harrison ran the cookie cutter Democrat campaign that has lost over and over again. And then threw away any ethical standing he had by running phony ads for Bledsoe. He deserved to lose after pulling that desperate stunt. I voted early for him because I hate Lindsey (and unlike you have recognized his shtick for many years)… but would never have voted for him after his attempt to scam voters.


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