Just checking on all of y’all. How are you holding up?

I’d have gotten to you earlier, but I’ve been busy checking in repeatedly with family members, from my 93-year-old mother to each of the five kids, and each of the five grandchildren. The sitrep:

  • One has a tree (or a large part of a tree — see the image) on her house and water leaking into her dining room. We have a tree guy lined up, but it’s likely to be tomorrow before he gets there and gets a tarp on it, as the insurance people said we needed to do ASAP.
  • Another without power.
  • Another without internet.
  • One who is down on the coast for work; his family is at home and reports no problems, although his in-laws have no power.
  • One who flew out of Charleston this morning to Boston, on her way to Iceland.
  • Another who is sitting in her house on a mountainside in Asheville. She’s watching the river below her, which is at 100-year flood stage and still rising eight inches per hour. She saw a house float down it.
  • At my house, we’re doing fairly well. We had no water this morning, but it came back — dirty at first, but looking clear now. There are some trees down around the neighborhood, but we have power so far.

Meanwhile, I’ve heard that the Richland County jail has no power. And you know they have virtually no staff.

How are all y’all doing?

One thought on “Just checking on all of y’all. How are you holding up?

  1. Brad Warthen Post author

    The sun came out a bit ago. I stood at the front door to look at it. A small, yellow butterfly flew by in front of me. A few feet beyond, another one was checking out the blossoms in a flower bed, along with a couple of bees.

    So I can report that routine pollination work has resumed…


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