Sanford takes next step on comeback trail tonight

In case you missed it, Mark Sanford is making his second appearance on the comeback trail — not to be confused with that other trail — tonight at 9 p.m. by appearing on CNN live with Piers Morgan:

LIVE: Former Governor Mark Sanford

Mark SanfordIn an in-depth interview, the former Governor of South Carolina opens up about the scandal that caused him to leave office & more.

This is 11 days after his appearance with Sean Hannity on the network where he is most at home. (In case you forget, he appeared on Fox News 46 times during the stimulus fight, before Argentina.)

And what’s all this about? Well, we’d all heard in the past about the possibility that he’d run against Lindsey Graham. But today I heard on the street — or reasonably close to the street — another scary possibility: He wants to be governor again.

Imagine the psychodrama. After the apology tour that seemed like it would never end, but finally did, he’s going to make us prove to him that we really DO forgive him by re-electing him. And the really, really scary part is that we’re highly likely to do that if he demands it of us. Because, let’s face it: We’re pretty messed up, too. We, the South Carolina electorate, have issues.

Anyway, now that he’s on this trail, I for the first time feel truly glad that I gave up cable. I don’t get those channels anymore! I can’t even record it! No one can expect me to watch it! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaahhhhh!…

20 thoughts on “Sanford takes next step on comeback trail tonight

  1. Brad

    Dang it, I know that, but I was hoping y’all would forget.

    There’s no benefit in my having given up cable if y’all don’t excuse me from watching stuff like this…

  2. jeffrey day

    “In an in-depth interview, the former Governor of South Carolina opens up about the scandal that caused him to leave office & more.”
    I don’t recall him leaving office until his term was up.

  3. Brad
    By the way, this post is hot on Facebook at the moment…
    Terra Kinder ‎(ducking the shoes) sorry, I really like him!
    24 minutes ago · Like
    Peggy Miller Lawrence got my DVR set and can’t wait to hear what he has to say.
    22 minutes ago · Like
    Terra Kinder He won’t be roped into selacious conversation. He will be looking forward and applying himself in forward motion.
    21 minutes ago · Like
    Linda Lennon Leeke so now he is even more like Bill Clinton..
    18 minutes ago · Like
    Terra Kinder uhm no. Clinton lied to the entire country. Sanford ruined himself politically, to be HONEST. It may be sick, but I personally thanked him for that action. Life is not easy and sometimes we find ourselves in a bad position. It takes a stand…
    See More
    15 minutes ago · Like
    Terra Kinder He actually did a Lot for our state. 😀
    14 minutes ago · Like
    Linda Lennon Leeke love the way folks justify Mark Sanford… and adultery while in the State House… that Commandment doesnt have footnotes and astreks for what Mark Sanford did… maybe your Bible does… mine does not… and he should have resigned.. but he did not have the guts to do that either… and what did he do for the state.. ?
    7 minutes ago · Like
    Brad Warthen Terra, Terra, Terra… Gina caught him at the airport in Atlanta. He started to talk to her, but abruptly cut her off and left when she started questioning who he’d been with. By the time he got back to the office it was known that The State had the emails. So he called the press conference. He was totally caught.
    a few seconds ago · Like
  4. Brad

    I don’t know why people comment there instead of here.

    A couple of days ago, I ran across a plug-in that would cause all such comments and reTweets and the like to show up HERE so that the full conversation would be reflected here on the blog, where it ought to be.

    It caused my blog to crash when I tried to install it. So I couldn’t use it. Dang.

  5. Brad

    And Jeffrey, this is TV news. You don’t expect it to bear a resemblance to reality, do you?

    My own expectations are so low I didn’t even notice that…

    Anyway, don’t expect the questions he is asked to be any better informed than that.

    It’s funny if you analyze that error. They ASSUME it drove him from office because of course it SHOULD have driven him from office, because he should have resigned.

    But no such luck.

  6. Kathleen

    Governor again? Excuse me? Only in SC! Ms. Kinder needs to meet Mr. Webster. The word is sAlacious.


    This interview was not in regard to being Governor again. Mark happens to need for people to believe his “story”. He has never breathed the ” real story” out loud however, many many good people in the state know exactly why he ran away in 2009. Go to Argentina and look for his mistress. Good luck finding her!

  8. marconi

    You left out the best part regarding the antics of our former anvilheaded governor

    ….his attempt to be nonsexist was a most appalling failure….


    “You know, I didn’t properly love my wife,” said Sanford. “I think that, you know, fundamental to a woman, I’m not trying to be a CHAUVINIST here, is a need for security whether it’s emotional or financial or a nest. And if she gets that she’s HAPPY and PLAYFUL and encouraging and if she doesn’t get that she can be SOME OTHER THINGS.”

    Similar to the way one would respond to a favored labrador retriever, no?

  9. Brad

    By the way, here’s a continuation of that same conversation on Facebook:

    Terra Kinder ugh. His wife already knew and that is the only person that needed to at the time. I am just not as judgemental as you guys I guess. I believe in Grace and Forgiveness and want to treat people the way that I would like to be treated. It doesn’t always work out, but it’s an approach. If I remember correctly didn’t Jesus stop everyone from stoning Jezebel?

    19 hours ago · 
    Terra Kinder And he brought Boeing to SC for starters and always fought for less!

    19 hours ago · 
    Brad Warthen

    Terra, you’re focusing on the adultery. The guy intentionally ditched his security detail, using a state car to drive to the airport and fly to a destination that was NOT where he had told his staff he was going, thereby putting them into t…See More
    19 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    Brad Warthen By the way, Jesus and Jezebel did not live in the same century…

    19 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    Terra Kinder ok whatever the whore’s name was

    19 hours ago · 
    Terra Kinder you know what I meant

    19 hours ago · 
    Terra Kinder

    either way, I still did personally thank him, and he was taken aback of course. He thanked me for my unconventional perspective, and I thanked him for taking his licks. I have a whole team of children and with as much as they are exposed to…See More
    19 hours ago · 
    Linda Lennon Leeke

    then Terra.. I am sure you have hope for Bill Clinton… too… and he and his wife stayed married… they worked it out…. Mark.. was selfish and off he went… he exhibited unbalanced behavior… and what did you thank him for, coming ba…See More
    17 hours ago · 

    John Boudreaux Terra Terra ,you are quick to try to justify Stanford and even forgive him,yet still bitterly hold Clinton’s feet to the fire.. Jesus taught us to forgive all…not just people you align yourself with politically.

    6 hours ago · 
  10. Kathy

    Terra, the woman’s a whore, but Sanford deserved thanking? For what? Oh, right, he “always fought for less!” Now that’s some epitaph: He always fought for less. Wow. BTW, you have quite a double standard there between men and women.

  11. Brad

    She gave more, he fought for less. I don’t know, Kathy. That seems like a good way to me to sum up real-life gender differences…

  12. Brad

    OK, I THINK that conversation is over now. And here’s the rest of it:

    Stanley Dubinsky

    Forget adultery. Sanford was an incompetent, narcissistic governor, who couldn’t work with anyone. He had a few good ideas, and I voted for him the first time around … but he couldn’t rise above his own ego. That’s why he spent so much …See More
    7 hours ago · 

    Linda Lennon Leeke

    ‎@Stanley… you see the real Sanford… and that is why he is back on TV now.. his ego is just sitting out there with nothing to do.. he has only had a job in politics .. he has never done anything else.. and the comment about Haley.. you …See More
    about an hour ago · 

    Terra Kinder John Boudreaux, I will give you this: Ok, it is easier for me to forgive Sandford, but a lot of that was b/c of ML’s age… but I will concede to that point and do my best to work that out! Have an excellent day everyone!

    about an hour ago · 
  13. `Kathryn Fenner

    People comment on Facebook because they are ON Facebook. There’s a much smaller subset of your readers who are willing to click through to your actual blog page.

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