Missed most of the first half-hour because I lost BOTH TV signal and my wi-fi. Up and running now, though.
It’s refreshing to hear presidential candidates — Democrats, no less! — talking about national security. The reason why is horrible…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
And… we’re already off national security. That didn’t last long…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
@BradWarthen The debate was originally supposed to be focused solely on the economy. They added the foreign policy segment after last night.
— Kyle! (@kpetersen) November 15, 2015
@kpetersen They should have scrapped the original plan entirely. At this point, security should be the only topic…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Being Democrats, they are SO much more comfortable talking about inward looking topics and redistribution…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Just saw replay, from when my cable was down, of Hillary saying “This cannot be America’s fight.” O’Malley right to jump on that #DemDebate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
I don’t care what the original debate plan was. Talking about this navel-gazing domestic stuff at this moment is irrelevant, inappropriate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
I hope no French people are watching this, thinking, “Do these people really not know what’s going on in the world?” #DemDebate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
@kpetersen Not the Paris attacks specifically. But these attacks underlined that the main job for POTUS is collective security. #DemDebate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Hillary’s right to call B.S. on Bernie’s nonsense suggesting any candidate who’s well-funded can’t be honest. Insulting… #DemDebate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Bernie: “It’s easy to tawk the tawk.” Larry David is warming up in the wings… #DemDebate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
@kpetersen Oh, indeed. There is far, far too little discussion of national security in ALL presidential debates. Our nation’s too insular…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Looking back: I liked Hillary’s comment praising W. for drawing distinction between Islam and our enemies after 9/11. That’s statesmanship.
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
@PhillipBush Phillip, what would it take for you to see ISIL as the most immediate, relevant issue to discuss? What would they have to do?
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
I’m not just talking ISIL. We must talk about the WORLD: Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine, China, Africa. We’re SO narcissistic!
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
@wildbillnj1975 @Bakari_Sellers I hope she doesn’t. I’m tired of the partisans droning on about their boogey men…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
@Buxtehude11 @alexstroman @jaketapper @RichLowry It’s OK… He’s loaded with low-velocity rounds…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Now we’re talking about campus unrest and the ’60s. Yawn. Let’s stipulate the ’60s were awesome and move on…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Nice zinger about sending Trump’s kids to college free. OK, let’s get back to national security…
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Confession: It’s really wrawng of me to take Sanders less seriously because of thick accent. I hate it when Yankees do it to Southerners.
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Like that Sanders hit SC for refusing to expand Medicare. It’d be more credible if Hillary said it, though, ’cause of the S word. #socialist
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Well, Hillary just dropped the big one on the others with her “tested in crisis” answer. They’re not going to be able to tough the OBL case.
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
There’s something slightly goofy about the way O’Malley says “e-mer-gen-cy.” Or is it just me hearing that? #DemDebate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015
Hillary gets to sound presidential while viable candidates on GOP side struggle to be heard. She’s getting SUCH a head start. #DemDebate
— Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen) November 15, 2015